by generalsjoes | Dec 18, 2012 | 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Toys
We’ve all received the emailed status updates about the Figure Subscription Service, but we now have our first actual report of a shipping notice received!
GeneralsJoes Twitter friend OB1Knobby reports that he has gotten notification from Fed Ex that the first installment for the FSS will arrive at his home on Thursday. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first confirmed shipping notice received for an FSS shipment.
Start watching those mailboxes! We will soon discover who the first two figures shipped are. Huge thanks to OB1Knobby for the heads up.
no images were found
by generalsjoes | Dec 11, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club
The dock strike is over and our G.I. Joes are en route to Dallas! After several months of no new product, I am unreasonably excited about receiving this mystery package in the mail, and I’m already jumping up and down with thoughts about which two figures will hit us first.
Check out the full email from Brian Savage below.
I hope that you are all having a great holiday season so far. Today it was confirmed that our container was aboard a train and headed to the Dallas terminal.
We still don’t have an exact delivery date to our warehouse, but we are anticipating that we will get some of the sets out before Christmas.
The Christmas holiday will probably see the shipments split so please have patience while they are enroute to you.
We now anticipate that they will all be shipped before New Years.
Merry Christmas!
by generalsjoes | Dec 4, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club
We were this close. THIS close to finally getting some new G.I. Joe product in 2012, but according to an email from the G.I. Joe Collectors Club, it’s looking like the first installment of the Figure Subscription Service may not reach subscribers until shortly after the Christmas holiday.
Apparently there is a dock strike which is impacting the quickness of product being distributed. The full context of the e-mail is below:
“Hello everyone,
Our latest update is not a happy one. Many of you may not be aware that there is a labor strike going on by the west coast ports clerical workers. This is now going to impact our delivery of the first FSS set. Currently they have been striking a week, and this is the latest from our shipper:
ILWU OCU Local 63 Update – Ports of Los Angeles / Long Beach
As of this morning it is expected that the first shift in the LA / LGB will continue to picket the terminals affected by the strike. Talks between the two sides ended Saturday night at 10PM PST without a resolution. Talks resumed yesterday at 10am PST and are ongoing around the clock. Presiding the talks are local mediators and Los Angeles Mayor Villaigosa. The offer submitted by the HEA (Harbor Employer Association) is still being reviewed and is offering the 600 clerical workers a compensation package of USD 190,000 – USD 35,000 more than the present package.
It is our understanding that this strike is costing the country over a billion dollars in lost revenue each day. I suggest that you contact your senators and congressman and ask them to do something as this could really impact everyone’s Christmas, not just our shipment.
Originally our ship was scheduled to dock on Sunday, Dec 2, they have slowed down and are scheduled for tomorrow Wednesday, December 5 but….even if they get to dock, there is now a week’s backlog on the docks that is not moving so, the likelihood that we will even receive the shipment by Christmas is slim.
Our plan is to turn the shipment and get it out to you as soon as we receive it. This should NOT impact future FSS shipments as even if we have to ship two sets in January, we are not planning on changing the timing of the future shipments. It may be that the first two come really close together.
I will keep you updated as we get information from our shipper.
Thanks for your patience,
Fingers crossed that these start distribution as quickly after Christmas as possible…I’m glad they’re hoping to make up for it with two potential shipments in January. Gotsta get my hands on these.
Thanks to the GIJoe Collectors Club for the info.
by generalsjoes | Dec 3, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero
It was supposedly a close race between Big Boa and Cover Girl as to which carded image the G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club would show first, and Big Boa won out. Turns out, though, that Cover Girl fans (like Gary Godsoe) wouldn’t have to wait too long.
Over on their Facebook page, the G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club has posted their latest carded FSS image, and it is indeed the former model and now an armor operator… check out their Facebook page for the latest intel, and take a peek at the mirrored image below.
by generalsjoes | Nov 27, 2012 | 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero
The latest email from the G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club gives us an update on the FSS… looks like we may be getting an early Christmas present! See the email below:
“Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
This is going out to everyone who subscribed to the GI Joe Collectors’ Club Figure Subscription Service.
If any of you have moved since you placed your subscription order it’s time for you to update your new address!
Please click here to log in and check your account!
We are anticipating that the first two figure shipment will ship before Christmas so that means you have until December 2nd to update your address. After that date, we do not guarantee that your shipment will go the correct address.
In order to get all of the orders out the door in one week, we need to start the printing and prep for all of the orders we received starting on December 3rd.
Provided that our shipment from China is not delayed, we are working on getting all orders out the door before Christmas. We will hopefully start sending them out the week before Christmas.
For those of you who have purchased on the installment plan, we anticipate that the second billing will take place in mid-January so we will give you updates as soon as we know the final schedule.
Thanks for all of your support and we hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season!
PS. If you have any questions, you can use the link at the bottom of the log in page to contact customer service.”