Frostbite (Figure Subscription Service)
Here we go again… figure #13. A figure that’s been frought with frustration and controversy since the first FSS. Personally, I still think Blackout was almost the perfect example of a Figure Subscription Service 13th figure. He’s enough of a draw (I think) to please folks, but he’s not such a desirable figure that it frustrates would-be subscribers. Grand Slam was too far into the “not desirable” side, and Frostbite, I think, surges the other direction into “must needed” territory. Personally, I’m fine with that, I’m subbing anyway, obviously, but I can see where a couple folks might be frustrated.
It’s a weird feeling to see the 1985 roster now complete (well, except for Listen & Fun Tripwire, I guess) even though it took quite a while to get here.
What amazes me, too, is that a character that wasn’t deemed important enough to receive a modern update until the last spot in the roster may possibly be one of the best overall ‘85 redo’s in the line.
Frostbite’s build is exceptionally well done, choosing parts from several different sources and giving us a figure with a nice arctic aesthetic and great range of motion. He’s not over-detailed, but not under either, blending perfectly between part selections which all fit together amazingly well. The new head sculpt is spectacular, with layered fur sculpting on the hat and bearded face. Removable goggles approximate the classic look, but also can slide over his eyes as well for added realism.
Doing the new sculpting as well as the build, Boss Fight Studio did a great job assisting the Club with getting this formula just right.
The deco is obviously built upon the classic version with lots of white and hints of off white fur, and black trim. It looks the part perfectly. This is one heck of an update to a 1985 character that rarely got any screen or page time, even in G.I. Joe’s hay day.
Along with the new head sculpt, we have newly sculpted fur collar that goes over his shoulders, with a pistol holster built in. This is a terrific piece of new gear that adds a perfect element to Frostbite, allowing some flexibility for the torso underneath, but also matching the vintage look well.
Two pistols can be removed from his two holsters, both on the chest, and with the 25th Anniversary Zap’s belt, another great addition to the figure. He also comes with a wrench to fix the Snowcat, the removable goggles mentioned before, and a nice sniper rifle. I’ll say the original Frostbite’s rifle is one of my all time favorite guns in the line, and this is a decent version of it. All of the accessories make perfect sense and compliment the figure well.
How suitable is this figure for the mystery 13th? I’m a bit conflicted. I think advertising this figure as part of the subscription might have driven more people to subscribe. But at the same time it feels like a fantastic incentive for folks to subscribe next time. On the flip side, if the NEXT 13th figure doesn’t rise to this level, we’ll just see disappointment all over again, so the Club is constantly waging this battle with the fandom. This figure is fantastic. I love it. It’s made me care about Frostbite when the original ‘85 version failed, and I’m quite excited to have it in my collection, even though I just got the Tiger Force version six short weeks ago.
Paint Deco
The last clinging remnant to 1985 (Listen & Fun Tripwire aside) it’s about time we wrapped up this year in A Real American Hero history. Leveraging Frostbite as the 13th figure in the third FSS is a great idea and will hopefully drive more subscriptions in the future, especially if the quality matches what we see here. Great new sculpting, awesome parts choices, and a flawless deco. A great way to finish the FSS and to finish the 1985 roster.