More reviews added to Rise of COBRA Review Index
To go along with Snake Eyes (City Strike) I’ve posted reviews for two of his Wave 5 compatriots:
Check them out and more at the Rise of COBRA Review Page!
To go along with Snake Eyes (City Strike) I’ve posted reviews for two of his Wave 5 compatriots:
Check them out and more at the Rise of COBRA Review Page!
To go along with recent reports of the Toys “R” Us Exclusive Attack on the Pit multipack, reports are coming in that Target has gotten in on the act, with recent shipments of the “Rescue Mission” 4-Pack hitting retail. According to a Target employee on, initial release schedules were for October 11th, but apparently some stores are getting an early hit.
While it doesn’t pack as much punch as the Attack on the Pit set does, I’m starting to warm up to the Rescue Mission set as well. I really love the spandex Duke to go along with the Ripcord from TRU’s set, and that Resolute Snake Eyes is the coolness no matter how he’s used. I’m actually really looking forward to getting that figure in hand, too, I think he’ll look pretty bad ass in all black with the Paris Pursuit head sculpt.
Two Neo-Vipers round off the boxed set, which are all well and good, too. While this set clocks in at $19.99 ($5 cheaper than the Attack on the Pit) I don’t think it quite offers as much bang for your buck. The Toys “R” Us set comes with 5 figures instead of 4, plus the Molepod! Quite a bonus for five more dollars. Check out the image below.
To go along with this, several HissTank members are reporting that the Toys “R” Us Exclusive Bench Press and Snow Serpent have also been spotted at retail stores as well.
G.I. Joe: The Rise of COBRA Wave 5 has been listed on HasbroToyShop for a while, but only as “Coming Soon”…well, this morning, the pre-order gates have opened! Each figure (including the spectacular City Strike Snake Eyes) are now up for pre-order. Looks like figures will begin shipping October 19th, but judging by how much in demand Snake Eyes seems to be, you may want to jump on this boat early at a decent price.
Don’t forget to use gijoe10 for a 10% discount!
The really exciting thing about this to me, is that it sounds very much like the awesome Pursuit of COBRA stuff will start hitting late this year…can’t wait for that. Go get ’em!
HissTank member Dr. Phd. has found the TRU Exclusive Attack on the Pit multipack at his local Toys “R” Us store! Retailing for twenty-six dollars, it features a whopping five figures plus a COBRA Mole Pod vehicle. A GREAT deal, I gotta say. In detail, the set comes with:
Wow. That is a LOT of stuff for $26.00. A great deal. I really dig those Neo-Vipers, I like that Ripcord, and the Pit Trooper. I really don’t like that Duke and those weird colored forearms, but every other figure is great. Check out the pictorial evidence below.
The Terror Drome has scored some nice high resolution pictures of the soon-to-be-released COBRA and G.I. Joe 5-Packs coming to a Toys “R” Us store near you. The COBRA one leaves me very cold, being pretty much a pack full of straight-reissue troop builders. The G.I. Joe pack, however, rocks my world. I’m not a fan of desert figures in the least, but the wealth of new characters, the very unique reuse of parts, and the impressive paint apps all come together to make one slick looking set. Dial Tone, Law, Footloose, and Repeater are all very cool additions to the growing cast of characters, even if two of them look somewhat out of place compared to their vintage look (and one of them even had an operation… :shifty: ).
I love the female Dial Tone concept, and this figure looks great. Footlose, I think, looks absolutely awesome, even in the desert colors. Ironically, Repeater is probably the closest to his vintage look uniform-wise, but apparently had a race change along the way. Oh, those Hasbro designers, how they love to drive the vintage purists crazy…
Check out the images below.
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