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G.I. Joe: Pursuit of Cobra Wave 3 Images

While I eagerly await the arrival of Wave 3 of the Pursuit of Cobra figures (slated to appear on my doorstep tomorrow), GeneralsJoes reader Nikolai has done us all a favor and taken some great pics for the site!
Check them out below.  These figures look awesome.  The cartoon is all well and good, but it’s been too long since there were new toys to talk about.

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A big thanks to Nikolai for taking these pictures!  Hot damn I can’t wait until tomorrow afternoon.  Snake Eyes and Shock Trooper alone may put me into anaphylactic shock.  With Renegades following up on Friday afternoon, this will be a great week for G.I. Joe.

Information revealed about Episode 6 of G.I. Joe: Renegades

So we just finished checking out Episodes 1 and 2, and here we are finding out stuff about Episode 6!  Yeesh.
Thanks goes out, once again, to fellow Renegades nutcase kennywr22, who hit up the familiar website and dug out the following Renegades intel about Episode 6 (Homecoming, Part 1):

“Duke goes home to protect his family from Cobra; the team infiltrates Cobra’s Christmas party.”

We heard rumors before the show started that Michael Bell and B.J. Ward (Sunbow’s Duke and Scarlett) would be doing the voices for Duke’s parents…this looks like where we’ll hear them.
Homecoming (Part 1) is currently slated to air along with Part 2 on Christmas Eve.

GeneralsJoes reviews the Sideshow Collectibles 12" Duke

Yeah, I’m well aware that this figure has been out for a while, and we’ve gotten Flint and Beachhead since he was released…I’m a bit behind the times.  But when I had an opportunity to pick up a Sideshow Duke, I decided to jump on it, if only for iconic reasons.  At this point I’ve accepted the fact that I’m never going to own every Sideshow figure, it’s just not in the budget.  So, for that reason, I figure I have to be choosy and grab the impactful characters.  Duke certainly fits that bill.
I’ve reviewed a few Sideshow figures already, Snake Eyes and the Cobra Trooper.  I had somewhat mixed results from the two of them, and honestly, Duke totally blows them out of the water.  Great articulation, very nice design, awesome accessories…this one is the total package.
You can read the full review right here.

New TV Spot for Hubworld Exclusive Sneak Peek

I’ll admit, there isn’t a whole lot of new footage here, but when checking out The Hub this afternoon, there was an advertisement for the upcoming Hubworld “Sneak Peek” that airs this Friday starting at 3:30pm.  This special show features a behind the scenes look at the creation of G.I. Joe: Renegades and Transformers Prime.
Again, not a whole lot of new footage, but some interesting pencil drawings and other snippets that folks looking forward to Renegades might enjoy.  This has been added to the GeneralsJoes G.I. Joe Animation YouTube Channel.
Check out the embedded video below.

Along with this, I also added the IGN clip “Security Detail” to the channel as well.

G.I. Joe: The Pursuit of Cobra Wave 3 pre-orders processing at BBTS!

Oohhh boy!  It’s that time again!  While we had a couple of months off, BigBadToyStore has just sent along notification to me that my pre-orders for G.I. Joe: The Pursuit of Cobra Wave 3 are processing!
This means the items are in stock and ready to ship.  And if they’re hitting BBTS, they should start hitting everywhere shortly.
Wave 3 consists of:

  • Duke
  • Snake Eyes
  • Storm Shadow
  • Cobra Shock Trooper

And yes, while Duke, Snake Eyes, and Storm Shadow are getting ridiculous with the sheer number of releases they have, these particular versions (well, of Duke and Snake Eyes, anyway) certainly look very cool and worth an additional purchase.
Look for reviews to hit shortly after I get ’em in my meaty paws.