by generalsjoes | Apr 23, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Special Ops
Oh shoot. As if Avengers Alliance hasn’t been consuming enough of my life over the past month or so, it looks like there will be another social media game to add to my repertoire.
Big thanks as usual go out to GeneralsJoes friend and geek media expert Brian Truitt from USA Today who dives into the story of SyFy and Facebook teaming up for a new social media G.I. Joe game entitled G.I. Joe: Special Ops. Man, does this sound like it has some serious potential.
You can read the full story over at USA Today, but let me cover some of the high points here:
- An arena based game in an enclosed battlefield where you pick a squad of Joes or Cobras to do battle with
- Character choices include Cobra Commander, Destro, Baroness, Snake Eyes, Flint, Duke, and Firefly
- Designs for the characters will be pulled from all different era’s of G.I. Joe history, including a very Resolute themed Destro (ummm AWESOMMME).
- Release will be timed for the June 29th launch of G.I. Joe: Retaliation
- Lots of classic themes for the older fans, but some new twists for the younger set as well
What made me smile the most about this whole story was this quote involving some dialogue with Derryl DePriest:
“The first Joe member DePriest is enlisting on his Special Opsteam? Stalker.
“I haven’t made sure he’s there in the first set, but now that you mention it, I’ll walk over to the team and make sure he’s in there so I can play with him up front!” he says.”
So yeah, Stalker. Holy crap, this sounds like it has some potential. I can feel some real elements here from the very cool G.I. Joe: Renegades turn-based game that was launched on The Hub’s site so long ago, and this feels like elements from Final Fantasy Tactics as well, which is a game I absolutely loved. This could be very cool, but very bad for my at-work productivity.
The guys behind Avengers Alliance better get those next 4 chapters finished and uploaded before June 29th, before my attention gets diverted!! Huge props again to Brian Truitt at USA Today. I’ve mirrored some concept art included in the article below, but definitely check out the article itself for the full details.
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by generalsjoes | Apr 22, 2012 | 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Toys
Well look at that! Over on Snakefox is reporting that he was able to score a case of the much sought after “Dollar Store” G.I. Joe figures at a local retailer in the Philippines.
This is great news for Joe fans, as many of us have been drooling over these figures since they were first revealed just a week ago. Snakefox reports that they are “3-4 dollars cheaper” than regular retail G.I. Joe figures. Check out the discovery thread right here and look at the mirrored images below.
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by generalsjoes | Apr 20, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: Renegades
Thanks to Destro from for posting an image that reveals some details about the Amazon Exclusive G.I. Joe: Renegades 4-Pack story we broke early this week. This single image is truly fascinating. Check it out below:

Uhhh WOW.
Yeah, these are not straight-up repaints of figures we got already. That right there looks like at least some new tooling. Duke is obviously the same with the addition of recolored Cobra Trooper legs (don’t know how I feel about that). But Storm Shadow is considerably different. The head sculpt looks more animated, the proportions of the arms (not to mention the sleeveless look) are certainly different. Very, very interesting. Snake Eyes is a little tough to tell, though the feet at least look different.
And is it just me, or are there some different hip joints going on there?

Plus, look at the feet. The sculpt there looks exaggerated, too. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m seriously wondering if these were some of the “animated” style figures we’d heard about before the outcry moved us back to the more realistic style. Very interesting. I just went from pretty excited to absolutely ecstatic. Here’s hoping we get to see some of these figures in more detail soon, this is just aching to be dissected.
UPDATE – As commentor Plokoon5 points out as well, it looks like Duke has G.I. Joe: Renegades Law’s hands instead of his original hands, which is a significant improvement to the figure as well. It took one of the glaring flaws in that figure and improved it 100%. Good observation.
by generalsjoes | Apr 19, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe: The Movie
Okay, I think we’ve got ’em all now!
As of this moment, we have posters for all mentioned G.I. Joe: Retaliation characters, to include:
- Joe Colton
- Roadblock
- Duke
- Lady Jaye
- Snake Eyes
- Jinx
- Cobra Commander
- Storm Shadow
Several different film sites around the web broadcasted these images, though I’ll be honest, it was a bit tough tracking them all. They seem to kind of scatter like the wind and they weren’t all found where they were supposed to be found! I know that there were sites that were supposed to debut these, which got trumped a bit by, which is a bit of a shame, but expect much better quality images as the day goes on.
For now, check out the full and complete gallery below.
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Special thanks to SamsAllSpark from the MS GIJoe Collectors Club for his assistance as well!
by generalsjoes | Apr 19, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe: The Movie
Okay, not 30 seconds after I wrote the last post, we’ve got more character posters running wild! To this point, we’ve got to send along thanks to (for Duke), (for Snake Eyes), Coming Soon (for Storm Shadow), and CloneWeb (for Jinx). More posters promise to emerge today including Roadblock, Cobra Commander, and Lady Jaye. Trust me when I say, you will definitely see them here!
Check out the gallery below with every poster collected to date.
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