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So, do you still want to work for Cobra Special Forces? This may change your mind

The production team and PR folks behind G.I. Joe: Retaliation have been doing a fantastic job with the Cobra Special Forces concept, producing very motivational, recruitment-style videos encouraging people to join Cobra, “see the world” and defend freedom.

While we all know the truth behind Cobra, it would seem in the Retaliation world, they don’t know any better.  I’m not sure how many new recruits those videos pulled into the fold, but it would now appear that the Cobra truth is revealed!  Cobra Commander himself takes to the airways to tell of Cobra’s true calling…

How awesome is that?

Continuing the Cobra Special Forces movement… billboards going up today

Again coming courtesy of Mysterious Stranger via Twitter… it looks like the Cobra Special Forces social media experiment is starting to take life in more ways than one.  In various locations around California, billboards are being unfurled, celebrating the Cobra Special Forces movement!

If you haven’t already, hit up and join up!

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Cobra Special Forces reveals another Cobra Trooper image

This is pretty cool.  The Cobra Special Forces Facebook page has revealed another image of the Cobra Trooper in action, and this time it’s a jungle scene showing one of the Troopers with machine gun at the ready.

Very interesting how they’re really pushing this “Cobra as Elite Military Force” angle.  These images have all been very reminiscent of special ops, which is a neat twist.  Of course, with the Facebook page being a Cobra page, this positive reflection does make some sense.  Check out the Cobra Special Forces Facebook page, or hit up the mirrored image below.

Another cool Cobra Trooper image from Cobra Special Forces

This is starting to become a regular occurrence.  Over on the Cobra Special Forces Facebook Page, another image of Cobra Troopers has been posted, this time with the troopers in attack formation on a raft.  It’s a neat image because the faces of the troopers appear to be covered this time around rather than having those somewhat strange open face helmets.

Check out Cobra Special Forces for the original image, and see it mirrored below.