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Sideshow SDCC Exclusives (including COBRA Commander) revealed in Sideshow TV

Sideshow Collectibles has posted their latest installment of Sideshow TV, this time around focusing on their San Diego ComicCon exclusives.  Of course included in these exclusives is the semi-revealed Crimson COBRA Commander, and this video gives us a great look at the complete figure.  COBRA Commander appears at about the 7:00 minute mark and is one impressive looking entry into the exclusive field.  As a straight-up repaint/rerelease of the standard version, I wasn’t all that impressed, but I gotta tell you he looks really striking in full on red and silver, and looks like he comes with a gorgeous cape instead of the trenchcoat.  Dang.  I wanted to not like this figure, but looking at this I just can’t help but love it (even if I won’t likely be dropping the massive coin for it).  Obviously patterened after the Crimson Guard, COBRA Commander looks amazing, and Sideshow did a spectacular job taking a figure that normally I wouldn’t care less about and making it just a little bit painful that he’s an expensive SDCC Exclusive.

Click here to check out the video, and some screen shots of the figure have been posted below.

Big credit goes out to friend of GeneralsJoes Mysterious Stranger for the info!

Sideshow reveals SDCC Exclusives

Sideshow Collectibles as posted their latest “Fantacular” and amongst the pages, they have a rundown of their SDCC Exclusives, including one for G.I. Joe.  There isn’t much of a picture (just a headshot) but Sideshow has announced that the 2009 SDCC Exclusive 12″ G.I. Joe figure will be…  a Crimson COBRA Commander.

Now, with it just being a headshot, it’s tough to tell exactly what they’re doing here…he’s got a red hood and silver COBRA logo on it.  Beyond that, it’s anyone’s guess.  Personally, I’m happy.  Less cash I have to find a way to earn between now and July.  😉

Anyway, click here to check it out!

Tons of pics and mini-review of Rise of COBRA Cobra Commander Unmasked!

Friend of GeneralsJoes, cmderinchief has gotten his hands on the upcoming Rise of COBRA Cobra Commander and posted a terrific mini-review over at JoeBattleLines.  He also supplied a wealth of new images, including the FIRST EVER picture of COBRA Commander unmasked!  Trust me, it ain’t a pretty picture.  😉

I find myself agreeing with a lot of what Gary has to say in his little write up.  While this is about as far from “Cobra Commander” as I can think of, the figure itself IS pretty cool.  I love the little details, the sculpting on his face is incredible, and overall it’s a neat looking toy.  Just not sure I buy it as the leader of COBRA.

Check out the extensive gallery below!

Joseph Gordon-Levitt talks about his role as COBRA Commander spoke with Joseph Gordon-Levitt about the upcoming G.I. Joe: The Rise of COBRA motion picture, particularly about the recently revealed look for COBRA Commander.  The actor had some interesting things to say:

“That toy is not my face. It’s a mask. I like that I get to keep my face,” he insisted, explaining. “It has less to do with me and more to do with this character that I helped create. That’s more thrilling to me. It’s this thing that was born out of a creative, collaborative process between me and a bunch of other people that all worked on creating this character.”

He also mentions that COBRA Commander’s “look” was a big reason why he wanted the role to begin with:

“The way the character looks, that’s what ultimately convinced me to do the part,” he noted. “I saw the designs and drawings of the way they interpreted my character for this movie – the costume, the whole getup – and I was like, ‘Oh, wow. I get to be that guy? Fantastic. Sign me up. Please. Thank you.”

To read the full article click here.