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Might want to check those Targets again…

With lots of reports coming of certain Targets breaking street dates, they have been hit pretty hard the past few days, but I’ve been reading reports that lots of Joefans are still coming away empty-handed.  However, someone with a source inside Target reported last week that the Rise of COBRA “street date” at Target was authorized to be broken today.  So even if your local Target didn’t have anything of consequence yesterday, you may want to check again.

I’ve gotten a personal report from Smokescreen from that his local Target was absolutely FILLED with product, and he picked up a number of figures he hadn’t seen at Toys “R” Us or Target yesterday, including Paris Pursuit Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow, Reactive Armor Duke and Scarlett, and COBRA Commander!  So, keep on double-dipping Joe fans, it’s coming!!

News on the 12″ side of things (that isn’t Sideshow related, for once)

A few different interesting 12″ pieces of news today…  first of all, the Terror Drome is reporting about some images of a 12″ Stalker and Gung Ho that are very military in nature and really don’t seem to fit into the whole movie aesthetic.  Are they figures that were slated for release in the normal line before the Rise of COBRA infusion, or are they still to come?  Gung Ho could almost pass for his Resolute/video game version, so that’s something to watch for.

Check out the images below:

no images were found

Also discovered by The Terror Drome is Entertainment Earth’s pre-order listing for the first wave of Rise of COBRA 12″ figures, including COBRA Commander.  This is the first time ole’ toasty’s been seen in twelve inch form:


Flashback Review Update – COBRA 5-Pack #3

Once again, BigBadToyStore comes through with sponsoring another “Flashback Review” this time around, for the second COBRA 5-Pack with COBRA Commander, Storm Shadow, the Baroness, Zartan, and COBRA Viper.

Is it as good as the Joe one?  Is it worth buying at all?  Check out the review right here!  Also, stay tuned as the Rise of COBRA street date looms…BBTS will be sponsoring all my new reviews as well, so expect an onslaught once those hit retail!