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Sideshow Collectibles G.I. Joe SDCC Video Online

Sideshow has done up a very cool video presenting their plans for the G.I. Joe license in conjunction with SDCC 2010!  You can view it on their site right here.
I also took some screen shots from some of the more interesting items shown, such as Dusty and Stalker 12″ figure designs, Cobra Commander and Baroness statues, and dioramas featuring Cobra Commander, the Crimson Guard, Roadblock and more.
Check out the screen grabs below, watch the video here, or just check out the embedded video below as well.

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Latest Operation: HISS Animated Features are online now

Sure, it’s not G.I. Joe: Resolute, but part of me still enjoys the rampant cheesiness and the total “made low budget just for kids” mentality of these Operation: HISS webisodes.  Hasbro’s Monkeybar TV has uploaded two more featurettes to continue the Rise of Cobra storyline.
First and foremost, Episode 6 has been posted, and you can check it out right here.  You can check out some screen shots mirrored below.

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But there’s also a Zartan related profile episode that’s been posted here, with a nice little cameo of everyone’s favorite G.I. Joe Marine near the end.

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New images of unproduced Pursuit of Cobra figures make me a sad panda

I’m a bit conflicted on this one.  On the one hand, I love the fact that The Terror Drome has gotten their hands on a nice allotment of unproduced Pursuit of Cobra figures, then made some very in depth updates to their image galleries.  But on the other hand, the more I see these detailed images, the sadder I get over the fact that some of this stuff won’t hit retail, especially a figure as nice as “City Strike” Scarlett.
Sure, the base figure is simply Resolute Scarlett, painted up in darker colors and with an updated Rachel Nichols head.  But what kills me here is the gear.  Even though the major piece of equipment with Scarlett, the flight pack, is one we’ve seen a couple of times already, adding that oxygen mask, that sword/sheath combination, and those incredible bladed tonfa swords makes for a whole new look for the Joe covert ops specialist.  She fits in so well with the Pursuit of Cobra City Strike theme…  a damn shame that she’s destined for the scrap heap, but even if you can’t have her, you can enjoy the terrific images.  I’ve mirrored them below, but you really should check out The Terror Drome directly.

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Along with Scarlett, they’ve also posted a pretty slick set of images for the unreleased Jungle Assault Cobra Commander.  Even though he comes with the same fishbowl head sculpt, the addition of the jacket adds some nice bulk to the figure,  I really like the gray color variations, and that crazy robotic bug is too cool for words.  Sure, if this guy hit retail, he probably wouldn’t have been among my favorites, but he’s got such a unique look, I find myself really loving the figure and accessories, and hoping that some day I can get my hands on him as well.
You can see some mirrored images below, but also check out the gallery at The Terror Drome.

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These figures weren’t the only showcases either…  awesome new images of City Strike Beachhead, Jungle Assault Duke (Tatum and non-Tatum), as well as Quick Kick are also there as well.  I just wanted to showcase two of my personal favorites.
A big kudos to The Terror Drome for getting images of these out to the fans.  A great look into what “could have been”.

The rush of Pursuit of Cobra preproduction items continues

Remember a few days ago when I mentioned that it looked like the floodgates might be opening?  Well, they’re still open, and Gyre-Viper is there collecting it all.  He posted a few updates at HissTank here and here with some very cool pictures of upcoming items, and cancelled items.
I’m especially loving that Alley-Viper.  LOVE the fact that he has the Resolute headgear as well as the more standard stuff.  Very cool looking items here.  Three more weeks from today and we should be seeing a lot more at JoeCon.  Check out the mirrored images below, and once again, a huge thanks to Gyre-Viper for keeping the “dead time” between toy releases fairly eventful.

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