by generalsjoes | Jun 17, 2010 | Canadian Joe Con, G.I. Joe
Even as the Canadian JoeCon draws nearer, the guys over at JoeCanuck are still pumping out their collector newsletters, and issue #30 is online now.
Featuring a wealth of great articles, such as: “…the debut artwork of the final of three 2010 CanJoeCon figures and news on our two newest guests for the convention! Also included this month is “BIG CanJoeCon News!”,”Japan, City to City, Toy Store to Toy Store”, “The Canuckleheads : Make Your Own MooseJaw Figure!”, “Beauty Supplies”, “A Few Questions with Neil Ross : The Original Voice of Shipwreck”, “Review – Pursuit of Cobra HISS v5”, “2010 Can Joe Con Figure Art”, “Meanwhile, Back In The Comics: Rewind”, “Expanding the Cobra Trooper Ranks”, “Camuckleheads: Read me First!”, &, as always, “Evil Empire”.
Check out the latest issue right here, or read the archives of the past 29 issues here.
Also, don’t forget to post your thoughts on the JoeCanuck Message Board!
by generalsjoes | Jun 2, 2010 | Canadian Joe Con, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary
The last JoeCanuck newsletter gave us a peek at the artwork for the first figure in the Canadian JoeCon Exclusive set…and now, the second figure has been posted on the JoeCanuck forums! Click the thumbnail below to head over to and see the full artwork.
Very interesting looking figure, to be sure. I really like how the Cobra characters are following Black Ice’s color scheme, and they’re adding little design flairs to make the characters unique. The thin little scar over this character’s right eye adds just a touch of something…
Really looking forward to seeing what else is there!

by generalsjoes | May 18, 2010 | Canadian Joe Con, G.I. Joe
As promised, the guys at have posted their latest Canadian G.I. Joe Collectors newsletter today, featuring the debut of an image from their first convention exclusive figure of the 2010 Canadian JoeCon!
While a name is not given, the art certainly seems to indicate they used the Cobra Para-Viper has a base figure, with a heavy dose of black and Cobra blue for the color scheme, matching him up nicely to Black Ice.
As an added bonus, there are also two more great silhouettes giving us clues for the next two figures showcased as Canadian JoeCon exclusives.
As if that wasn’t enough, there’s all the great content you’ve come to expect, including the awesome JoeCanucklehead comic book by Jason Loo.
Check out the newsletter right here, and you can look at all 28 past issues here. Don’t forget to leave your feedback on the JoeCanuck message boards!
by generalsjoes | May 17, 2010 | Canadian Joe Con, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Toys, Show and Convention Coverage
Everyone mark your calendars! The latest issue of the Canadian G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club newsletter is hitting PDF on Tuesday, and it promises to reveal the first image from the 2010 Convention Exclusive! Whether this year’s exclusive is a single figure or some kind of set still remains to be seen, but if it’s anything like their past stuff, it’ll be a great reveal!
Check out the silhouette below, and keep your eyes peeled to on Tuesday for the full reveal. I’m fired up myself!

by generalsjoes | Apr 21, 2010 | Canadian Joe Con, G.I. Joe
This news just in from our brothers to the North!
The 28th issue is now available with 17 whopping pages!! Included this month is “It’s Convention Season!”, “My Introduction To G.I. Joe”, “NJC 50”, “Name That Figure!”, “Figure Review : Volcano Viper”, “Point / Counter-Point : Resolute : Was it good for the brand?”, “Meanwhile, Back In The Comics : End Game”, “It’s The Little Things : Canadian JoeCon Presentation & Paperwork Review”, “Evil Empire”…. and possibly one of the coolest things the JoeCanuck newsletter has had in awhile, an ALL NEW comic story by our own “Loop” titled “The Canuckleheads”. It’s awesome. Check all of it out here, and don’t forget to let them know what you think on the message boards.
As always, all past 27 Issues can be read here.