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GeneralsJoes and Mysterious Stranger team up on Sideshow Cobra Viper review

I have unfortunately been sitting on this figure and this review for quite a while as other things just continued to come up in the world of G.I. Joe.  But with Sideshow Collectibles letting out rumors that they would be revealing a potential new G.I. Joe item this week, I thought it was a good time to get this review posted!

I was already working on a Cobra Viper review myself when Mysterious Stranger sent his in to me, so I figured we’d do the best of both worlds and just team up on the thing.  We each provided images, we each provided text, and the end result can be found in my Sideshow Collectibles review category and also at the link below.  Enjoy!

Save $15 on Sideshow Collectibles products this weekend!

Have you been putting off grabbing your favorite Sideshow Collectibles figures for your G.I. Joe collection?  Delay no more!  Throughout the weekend, Sideshow is offering $15 off using the code JUNE17.  Use this chance to grab some awesome 12″ figures and save money while you’re at it.

Check the link below to check out the entire G.I. Joe library, and I’ve also highlighted some products using banners below.

Snake Eyes and Timber Statue

Cobra Commander Premium Format Figure

Black Dragon Ninja 12-inch Figure

Cobra Viper 12-inch Figure

G.I. Joe 12″ 2012 Convention Set reveals the birth of Cobra!?

What the what?

Okay, I realize it’s most likely because I’ve been in the process of packing and moving and being sheltered in my in-laws, but why am I not seeing or hearing more discussion about this?  Along with the Oktober Guard vs. Iron Grenadiers set from the 2012 G.I. Joe Convention, the collectors’ club also revealed their 12″ Adventure Team set in totality…

…and wow!

It certainly looks like the folks from the GIJCC are starting to make that final leap to tie in the Real American Hero continuity with the 12″ and Adventure Team continuity.  And I LOVES it.  Well, I would love it if I had the extra greenbacks to spend on it, but as it stands, I’ll simply love it from afar.

Many folks will remember that back in 2010, the Collectors’ Club added a 12″ Henchman to their convention set, which caused a mighty stir among both the Real American Hero and the 12″ crowd.  This Henchman was obviously an operative from MARS and represented the first “bad guy” to really be showcased in the old school 12″ scale.  Last year, the story was built upon a little bit more, and this year, the Collectors’ Club seems to be jumping in feet first, continuing their Adventure Team story, and once again showing off a MARS bad guy, with a distinctly familiar look to him!

Tell me that’s not Cobra.  Tell me the Collectors’ Club isn’t starting to connect even more dots between MARS and Cobra, and isn’t merging the 12″ universe with the Real American Hero one even further.  That is truly awesome stuff right there.

Another very cool aspect of the set is the whole mummy bandage “bio wrap” concept.  One of the great storylines from the old Adventure Team figure line involved a Mummy, and by making this interesting “Bio-Wrap” suit, the Collectors’ Club is paying great tribute to the old Mummy concept, yet still maintaining a somewhat realistic twist to it.  You can actually dress the MARS Trooper there in the Bio Wrap suit to simulate a mummy.

This set is pretty awesome.  So, obviously, as a Real American Hero fan, you can’t just check out the 3 3/4″ Convention Set on, now you have to check out the 12″ set as well, as they ramp it up year after year, and now with Con Sets from 2010, 2011, and 2012, and with the Incentive Man of Evil figure, the Collectors’ Club has started establishing a terrific continuity that the 12″ universe hasn’t necessarily had.  I think it’s great.

New Orleans can’t get here soon enough!

What’s on Joe Mind Episode 53 is online!

The past few episodes of What’s on Joe Mind have been somewhat of a whirlwind…between the big 50th Episode, the special edition focusing on G.I. Joe: Retaliation, and our one year anniversary we’ve been trying to do a lot of special things.  Well, episode 53 the guys get back to basics a little bit, bringing 12″ aficionado Ace Allgood back to the show and beginning the push towards JoeCon 2012!

I unfortunately had to sit this one out as my hectic business trip to Kansas City left me with strep throat, but I’m looking forward to listening to it with the rest of you guys!  Check out the newest episode on our Podbean page, or listen via the embedded player below.  As always, show notes are after the jump.

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G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club “Man of Evil” – A guest review!

It’s the end of times!  A G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club exclusive review on GeneralsJoes and it’s of the 12″ figure!

Truth be told, I thought both exclusives this year were pretty darn cool, and many fans agreed with me, including Twitter friend Chad Lawless who was extremely cool enough to do a review of this great looking figure for me.

Check out the review at my G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club section, and click the link directly below.

Great review by Chad!  Meanwhile, you can expect a review of Footloose by yours truly within the next 24 hours!