by generalsjoes | Nov 7, 2015 | G.I. Joe, JoeCon 2016, Podcasts, What's on Joe Mind
Seems strangely appropriate that the next G.I. Joe Convention would be in “Loveland” Colorado…and the guys (and girl!) from What’s On Joe Mind have finally recorded some new content to talk about JoeCon’s 2016 location!
A warm welcome to new contributor Joe Colton as well as Colorado native (and kickass artist) Troy McKie who comes on to talk about his home state and what to do in or around Loveland.
Check out the latest special edition at our Podbean site, or embedded below.
Whoa! What happened to Special Edition #46?! Well, we’re still working on it. In the meantime, we moved on to #47 to react to the GIJCC’s JoeCon site announcement. This year we are finally headed back west as a tiny burg named Loveland will enter our lexicon next to such cities as San Francisco, Dallas, New Orleans…and yes, Indianapolis. What is there to see and do in the area? As always our intrepid crew tracks down a local to fill us in with the info that only locals know. So sit back, relax and listen to the gang re-assembling to talk about JoeCon 2015 – in Loveland, Colorado…and as always, sharing dirty stories about one Noted Author. You don’t want to miss it!!

by generalsjoes | Dec 21, 2014 | 50th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Battleground, G.I. Joe Toys, Podcasts, What's on Joe Mind
The way episodes have been posted lately means that a somewhat larger gap happens between them, which actually has the benefit of giving us more to talk about. For episode 98 we come close to our self imposed three hour limit, but it’s tough to say that any of the discussion was extraneous. We talk to good friend of WOJM Bill Ratner about his latest adventures, and he never fails to entertain. There’s some great discussion about regional events as well, encompassing lots of real estate from Iowa all the way to Southampton, UK… wherever there’s trouble, WOJM is there!
Of course we also talk about latest rumors of a 6″ G.I. Joe line and get back to basics about what G.I. Joe means to us. Lots of stuff crammed into that three hours, hopefully you’ll enjoy it.
Check out the latest episode at or embedded below and show notes are after the jump.
by generalsjoes | Oct 23, 2014 | Podcasts, What's on Joe Mind
Because no one demanded it!
Any G.I. Joe fan from the cheesy 80’s can find parallels between G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero and the totally hokey 1980’s military film MegaForce. And yes, I use the term “military” very lightly. In this special edition we do a full blown commentary on the whole 90 minute film. I’m pretty sure the experience took a few years off my life, so you’d all better enjoy it.
Check out the latest Special Edition on our Podbean Page (or embedded below) and check out the show notes!

by generalsjoes | Aug 24, 2014 | 50th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Comics, G.I. Joe Toys, Podcasts, What's on Joe Mind
Yes, the recording schedule has been a bit hap hazard, especially with no real news to talk about, but that’s changed over the past few weeks as the news for G.I. Joe has had a resurgence, especially with the 50th Anniversary line being released to retail! We also talk about our favorite Marvel Comics Covers and talk Coil Con.
Not only that, but we talk to Carson of 3D Joes about his exciting 3D Joes Poster Kickstarter Campaign!
Check out our Podbean Page or the embedded player below for the latest episode and the Show Notes are after the jump.
by generalsjoes | Jul 20, 2014 | 50th Anniversary, Boss Fight Studio, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 3, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Toys, Podcasts, What's on Joe Mind
I know a lot of folks have been commenting that we don’t record new episodes nearly as often as we used to… but the good side of that is, when we do, they end up being 3+ hour marathons covering all sorts of different topics! Episode 95 certainly falls into that category, talking Boss Fight Studio, the late Don Levine with business partner Kirk Bozigian, and voice actor Michael Dobson. Expect the same level of back and forth blather, and relive the excitement of the final 36 hours of the Vitruvian HACKS Kickstarter campaign.
Listen to the latest episode on or embedded below and check out the Show Notes after the jump.
by generalsjoes | Jun 13, 2014 | Acid Rain, Boss Fight Studio, Film, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Comics, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, G.I. Joe: The Movie, Kindle Worlds, Other Toys, Podcasts, Sunbow, Transformers, What's on Joe Mind
We are painfully aware that we’re not recording quite as often as we did in the past, but we’re trying to make every one of them count!
For Episode 94 we excitedly welcomed back two long time friends of What’s on Joe Mind, Bill Ratner (the voice of Flint) and Arune Singh (Executive Director of Television Communications, Marvel Entertainment) to have some very different discussions.
Mr. Ratner provides awesome detail about G.I. Joe history, while also breaking down his exciting new endeavor at the Hollywood Fringe Festival. Meanwhile, Arune celebrates Transformers return to movie screens this summer (and the debut of the IDW comic book) with a spirited discussion about how a G.I. Joe/Transformers team up could work.
As always, check out the latest episode on Podbean, or through the embedded player below. Show notes after the jump!