Toy Fair 2009 – 12″ Movie Figures
Some movie inspired 12″ figures that are actually pretty cool looking
Some movie inspired 12″ figures that are actually pretty cool looking
There aren’t many new pictures here, just a bit resized and recropped, hopefully with some better detail and organization.
I posted pictures of these earlier, too, but here is a better organized list of everything coming out and which assortments they are in. READ MORE…
I know I blasted some pictures up already, but I wanted to divide things up and organize the photos a bit better so folks know exactly what’s coming out when and in which waves. READ MORE…
Now that I’ve had some time to get everything better organized, I’m re-uploading some images and getting things more situated.
First in line is the Attack on COBRA Island7-Packs. Yes, these figures will come with more gear and straps than what is pictured, these are early press mock ups.
From what we can tell, there will be a Joe set and a COBRA set, designed to combat each other.
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Here’s a quick gallery of movie figures, somewhat unorganized. I will do something ofb better quality and better organization later tonight. For now, I’m just tossing these up real quick.