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More Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes coolness

So, is anyone getting tired of me posting information about Avengers?  I hope not, because I’m going to keep doing it.  Feel free to skip by if you’re not interested.  I’m extremely fired up to see this cartoon, so I fully intend on posting about the videos as they’re uploaded.
The latest five-minute short focuses on The Hulk… is the first place to post it (which doesn’t allow embedding for some weird reason).  It’s on the same video page that the Iron Man one was posted yesterday.
Along with that, has also begun posting their own content, including very short snippets of the origins of the Avengers.  First two are Thor and Captain America.

Captain America

Along with those, also has hosted the Iron Man Micro-Episode, so it’s embeddable now!
Iron Man Micro-Episode

This cartoon really looks great.  It has a very “realistic” feel to it.  Sure, the animated style is the typical distorted look, but the dialog is very mature and natural, the action is very well choreographed…it really rocks.  October 20th…I’ve marked my calendar!

No it's not G.I. Joe news, but it's still awesome – Avengers animated shorts online!

For a while now I’ve been talking up the apparent wonders of the upcoming Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes animated series.  Although I’ve never been a huge Avengers comic fan, I love Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye, and a lot of the Avenger individuals.  This cartoon promises a large cast of favorite characters and looks like an awesome ramped up action series in the vein of Justice League.
While the series itself debuts October 20th on DisneyXD, starting TODAY, and are debuting some five minute “shorts” with a focus on the individuals.  First up to bat is Iron Man!
LOVE this.  Really love the looks of this.  With G.I. Joe: Renegades and Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, it looks like this could be a great fall for action animation!

Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes still looks pretty boss

Most of my focus on fall animation beginning in October has been on G.I. Joe: Renegades, for obvious reasons.  However, another terrific looking animated series will be debuting on Disney XD nearly right alongside Renegades, starting around October 22nd.
At the recent Fan Expo in Toronto, Marvel was on hand and premiered two episodes from the animated series as well as revealing some interesting information via the Live Blog.  Among announcements is the fact that on September 22nd, will start broadcasting five minute mini-webisodes with a focus on individual heroes and villains appearing in the upcoming series.
As I’ve said numerous times on these pages, I’m a Marvel comics junkie (though I haven’t even touched a comic in nearly 10 years).  I love the characters and the history of the Marvel U, but honestly don’t have the money, the time nor the inclination to keep up to date on the morass of the 21st Century comic world.  And this is exactly why I love the Marvel films and cartoons so much…I can keep up with these great characters without having to try and backtrack 3 years to figure out how they got where they are now.
There was a time when I was a devout comics fan and scoffed at the cartoon versions because they simply didn’t match up from a maturity level or depth level, but it seems like that’s changed.  These days I prefer the simplicity of the animated universe, and the characters seem much more like the iconic versions that I remember, and not like the new “angsty” renditions that have crept into the limelight in recent years.  So, I’m really looking forward to Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.  It looks like a hell of a lot of fun, and like a Justice League International for the Marvel Universe, which is right up my alley.  I’ll be honest, I know very little about the Avengers universe itself.  While I love the characters of Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye, etc…  I’ve never been a huge fan of the whole Avengers team.  This cartoon could certainly change that perpsective.
This cool ass new trailer doesn’t hurt at all either:

New Avengers Animated trailer is pretty– HOLY CRAP AWESOME!

I was never a big Avengers fan as a kid…even loving the Marvel Comics and loving Captain America, I much preferred more down to Earth stories over the wild and crazy space-bound cosmic stuff that perpetuated the Avengers universe.  But between now and 2012, something tells me I’m gonna be an Avengers fan.
Really, my dislike for Avengers is kind of irrational.  I’ve always loved Iron Man.  I’ve always loved Cap.  I’ve always loved Hawkeye.  But for some reason put them all together and make a team out of them, and it has done nothing for me.
This, however does something for me.  Something I probably shouldn’t describe here…  anyway, check out these 120 full seconds of awesomeness below.

Trailer comes courtesy of Comic Book Resources (thanks to Fred of JBL for pointing it out to me).  Man it’s a good time to be a geek!

San Diego Comic-Con is upon us!

So, yeah, technically the actual event doesn’t kick off until tomorrow (check out the full schedule of G.I. Joe related events right here!) but tonight is “preview night” which often showcases some of the new toys and items of interest for the rest of the year.  I’m not necessarily convinced we’ll see much new stuff in the way of little plastic men, but I know for a fact that Renegades mania is going to really get ramped up after tomorrow’s panel.
Of course, GeneralsJoes will work to provide you the absolute best coverage I possibly can, but I’m just one guy doing this for fun…so if you’re interested in keeping up to date on all of the latest news and intel, check out’s coverage of Comic-con!  Sure, they’ll be unravelling all of the G.I. Joe related news that comes out of the show, but they’ll also tackle Marvel, DC, images, interviews, Hollywood, and pretty much all of the cool stuff out of Comic-con.
Not only that, but starting today, UGO is also giving away Comic-con exclusives!  Today they’ll be handing out various exclusives from G.I. Joe, Transformers, and the Marvel Universe, and all of the details can be found right here.
Starting tomorrow (July 22nd), they will have FIVE of the SDCC exclusive Galactus figures.  Those details can be found here.
So even if you’re like me and stuck at home, thanks to UGO, Comic-con will come to you!
I personally cannot wait to see what’s on the horizon, not just for Joe stuff, but Marvel toys, Marvel animation, Transformers, and more great stuff from the geek world as it invades Hollywood and mainstream media.  Gonna be a great long weekend!