by generalsjoes | Apr 30, 2014 | Marauder "Gun Runners", Other Toys
Okay, maybe I’m hoping for too much here… but we are within about 13 hours of the Marauder “Task Force” wrapping up its funding and currently it sits at just above $180,000. That is absolutely amazing and fantastic.
The “Julie” stretch goal just unlocked, which is a cool sounding arctic themed figure.
But… there’s still a figure goal out there that might be attainable, depending on how much we can push this. At the $210,000 level the “Logan” stretch goal will be unlocked, which features “a Commando-Ops Marauder Gaming figure. Red deco figure molded in color with factory applied paint. Figure includes “Balaclava” head sculpt, “Half-Shell” helmet, and “modular Armor” vest with interchangeable pockets and accessories”.
Now maybe I’m being greedy, but personally I think a red deco figure sounds pretty bad ass and I’d love to see that stretch goal unlocked. But is it realistic? $30,000 in the final 13 hours seems like a very lofty goal, but the Marauder “Task Force” Kickstarter has been breaking those goals for 29 days and 11 hours. Why stop now?
If you’re on the fence, NOW IS THE TIME. Go hit it, and let’s do this!
by generalsjoes | Apr 26, 2014 | Marauder "Gun Runners", Other Toys
We’re within four days of the end of the landmark Marauder Task Force Kickstarter, and on the cusp of the $135,000 “Guerrero” stretch goal which will unlock a very cool looking Security-Ops version of the Task Force soldier. For obvious reasons I’d think this figure will be in hot demand for G.I. Joe fans.
Check out the new paint master below, and let’s keep up the momentum! We need a little less than $10,000 in four days to get the Security Ops trooper unlocked. We can do this!
Support the Marauder “Task Force”!

by generalsjoes | Apr 23, 2014 | Marauder "Gun Runners", Other Toys
Special Edition #39 is up and rolling! We spend a quick hour speaking with MJ himself from Marauder “Gun-Runners” and Dave Proctor from Boss Fight Studio about the outstanding new Marauder “Task Force” Kickstarter Project!
There are only 7 short days left to help the Task Force, and with an anonymous donor matching all donations up to $5,000 now is the time! Listen to the interview and FUND THIS THING!
Check it out on or embedded below.
by generalsjoes | Apr 19, 2014 | Marauder "Gun Runners", Other Toys
I know with the flurry of JoeCon, I haven’t posted many updates about the Marauder “Task Force”, but I wanted to share some great news… the stretch goal for “Carmen” was reached a couple of days ago, which means the green camouflage figure will be available!
This is awesome news for fans of that figure. Marauder also posted some great new images and videos of the figures in action to give folks an idea of how these toys will work. Check out the new images below, and make sure to hit up the Kickstarter Project itself to see the new functionality videos!
With a current pledge amount of $92,000 there have been a number of great stretch goals released already, and still more to come! Go support the project now!
by generalsjoes | Apr 4, 2014 | Marauder "Gun Runners", Other Toys
So the Marauder “Task Force” Kickstarter is already funded, which means our jobs are done, right?
There are a ton of great stretch goals on the Kickstarter, and my personal favorite (Carmen) still has a ways to go before funding is reached. Marauder has also been fielding a number of questions about the accessory pack outs and details about the figures, but unfortunately Kickstarter only allows so many images to be posted.
Because of this, Marauder has created a fantastically massive Facebook Photo Album to share nearly EIGHTY images of his Task Force soldiers. All sorts of great combinations of figures, accessories, vests, weapons, helmets, etc… are there for your consumption.
If you haven’t funded yet, these images might just change your mind! Check them out at the Marauder “Gun Runners” Facebook Page, and I’ve mirrored just a few of them below.
Then, for crying out loud, if you haven’t done it yet, GO FUND THE KICKSTARTER!
by generalsjoes | Apr 1, 2014 | Boss Fight Studio, G.I. Joe, Marauder "Gun Runners", Other Toys
In fact, they’re changing the game so much, having “Gun Runners” in their name no longer feels like it captures what they’re currently doing.
For over 10 years now, the “Gun Running” experts over at Marauder have been supplying brand new sculpted and tooled weapons for your favorite 1:18 scale gaming figures, action figures, and others… along with those weapons they’ve been building battle stands, and also distributing accessories of many different types. But for the first time in their existence, Marauder is doing something totally new and different.
Introducing, the Marauder “Task Force”.
Yes, you heard me. Marauder is doing FIGURES. Fully modifiable, customizable, and designed by your friends and mine, Boss Fight Studio, Marauder is completely redefining the modern military figure game, and as one might expect, they need our support to do it!
Somehow they managed to sneak this under the radar, but launched today was a Kickstarter for this new Marauder Task Force, which is sure to be a huge hit with G.I. Joe fans and toy fans everywhere. I WILL NOT REST UNTIL THIS IS FUNDED.
Take a look for yourself, and somehow I suspect I won’t need to encourage G.I. Joe fans to do this. It speaks for itself.
Now let’s fund this bad boy!

Check out the full announcement after the jump!