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Oye…real life can be a kick in the nuts!

I know the site has been somewhat vacant the past few days…been a whirlwind couple of days in the “real world” (yeah, there is a distinction…  :shifty: ).  Deploying a new mail server at work, revamping the IS budget at work for 2010 with a hard deadline, all alongside a 2 month old that decided to stop feeding from the bottle and a wife whose back went totally sideways, leaving her bedridden has made for an interesting week.

Of course, amongst all those events, I managed to make a toy run.  Boy, I got my priorities straight, don’t I?  :/

In all seriousness, I had to go south for work on Monday, so I had another chance to zip through an number of Targets, Toys “R” Us’ and Wal-Mart cruising through southern NH…and honestly?  I was quite a bit more impressed and optimistic than I was the last time through.  Obviously, as everyone is aware, both Wal-Mart and Target have slashed prices on the single packs, and I think it’s helped.  A lot of those wave 1 pegwarmers had cleared out, at least somewhat, and many of them were replenished by the much improved later assortment offerings.  I saw numerous Pit Commandos, Rex “The Doctor” Lewis (all black coats), Helix, Flash, Elite-Vipers, Eels, etc…  I mean, I saw them in abundance.  Pit Commandos were still the most rare, as I only saw 4 of them total in two different locations, but nearly every place I stopped had a nice assortment of Wave 3 items mixed in.  Heck, I even found some Wave 4 Charbroils and Night Adders!  Two Night Adders, one with blue tats, one with black, so I still have no clue which one is rarer.

But it wasn’t all sunshine and roses.  Still didn’t see any Wave 2 Alpha’s at all (and I really want that Sky Sweeper!), and never touched either of the new TRU exclusives (Bench Press and Snow Serpent).  No Wave 5, even though I hit a couple of K-Marts expressly for that purpose, and none of the Wal-Marts I hit had a hint of the Battle Station exclusives.  Out of the 4 TRU’s I stopped at, one of them in Salem, NH had the Troop Builder 5-Packs, which was cool to see.  Speaking of which, reviews of those should be going up next week, hopefully…

The week’s looking up.  The Pats play the Colts on Sunday night, we actually have no plans this weekend, and the wife thinks she’ll be out of bed for Monday, but just in case you see spotty updates for the next couple of days, that’s why.

Toys “R” Us Launches Used Video Game exchange program

For folks like me who are video game fans and toy fans, Toys “R” Us has launched a very cool program in the same vein as video game retailers like Electronics Boutique, Gamestop, etc…  Toys “R” Us will now take in used video games in exchange for a store credit gift card that can be used on any item in the store.  The full information on the new program pulled from Toy News International is at the “Read the Rest of the Story” link below:


Toys “R” Us acquires FAO Shwarz

FAO Shwarz, a fairly famous, but small chain of high-end toy retail stores has been under danger of bankruptcy for some time now, but has just been purchased by Toys “R” Us, a move that will benefit both entities.  While there’s no way to really determine what impact this will have (if any) on anyone’s toy buying habits, it’s nice to see some news on toy-specific retailers these days, seeing as how many of them have already gone under.

With the recent news that Wal-Mart is cutting the size of their toy departments, perhaps toy-focused retailers will start coming back into vogue?  Let’s hope.  I’ll buy toys whereever I can find them, but there’s nothing in the world that beats shopping at a dedicated toy store.  There’s just something about it…

Click here to read the full article.

So, about those Dio-Stories…

GeneralsJoes was born many years ago with a very specific purpose and foundation.  The original Angelfire site (yes it’s still up, amazingly enough, and the profiles page and customs page can still be accessed) was originally a showcase for my customs that evolved into a figure profile and review site after I was the first person to find the new Joes at a local Toys “R” Us in late 2000.  From there, it spawned into my dio-story hub, while reviews continued along.


Mike’s World: Playing Catch-Up

It seems a bit strange, that with the bang-bang nature of G.I. Joe news in recent weeks, to be writing a post about finally picking up DVD pack #3 (that’s the “Arise, Serpentor, Arise” pack containing Dusty and Montezuma’s Skeleton, for all of you who have moved on from such ventures).  Granted, I could have picked this one up sooner, but I was picky about finding one with a fully-accessorized Dusty.


Mike’s World: News Dump II; Electric Boogaloo

All right, so I’m not even coming up with a new title this time.  Shoot me.

Truth is, things have been pretty tough in my corner of the world lately, at least financially.  I lost my Internet access for close to two months, and I apologize for my absence.  Of cours, since everyone thinks that Justin rights my articles except for me and (sometimes) Justin, I won’t waste too much time on a subject that’s so maudlin.
