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JoeBattleLines "Outside the Box" Custom Contest! Join now!

There have been plenty of customization contests out there, but the folks over at JoeBattleLines are throwing a few new wrinkles into the equation.
Check out the JBL Forums for the full details on their new “Outside the Box” custom contest!  It looks like a whole lot of fun, with some great prizes, to boot.  Check it out at the links below:

Registration is open until next week.  The winner will be featured on the “Kick Ass Customs” section here at GeneralsJoes as well.

Kick Ass Custom – Tribute to 1991 Snake Eyes

As a kid the ’91 version of Snake Eyes was one of my favorites.  Sure, he had the cheesy orange weapons, and bright sky blue on his uniform, but I just loved the figure.  And the best part of this custom is that kingphilbert doesn’t translate it to an exact replication of the 1991 version, but the homage is clear.
Paint is awesome, parts choices are awesome.  I just really, really love this figure.
Nice work, kingphilbert!  Found the custom at

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Kick Ass Custom… Muskrat by M6D

GeneralsJoes commenter and long time Joe web presence, M6D (known as such because of his awesome website, Magnum6Delta) has sent along some awesome pictures of a recent custom of a 25th Anniversary inspired Muskrat!
This figure looks great!  It’s not a perfect 100% homage to the classic, but it’s good enough to work as part of the 25th Anniversary, or as a companion line.  A really awesome piece, and not hard to do at all.  Check out the images below!

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Kick Ass Custom – Pursuit of Cobra Sandstorm

Long time buddy of mine Kevin has a special talent…  he makes customs that are pulled straight from my sub-conscious.  He doesn’t go hogwild on the sculpting or alterations, but every change he makes, every paint app is nearly production quality.
So, when he showed me his latest custom, of the now destined to be unreleased Sandstorm, I immediately loved it.  He obviously used the Target exclusive as a minor influence…but only minor.  Using Zartan’s parts, Reactive Armor Duke, and some insane camouflage painting skills, Sandstorm has now come to life.

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Kick Ass Custom – Rise of Cobra Low Light!

A Kick Ass custom doesn’t necessarily mean a lot of effort.  Sometimes it’s just identifying just the right combination of parts and pieces…and friend of GeneralsJoes, Magnum6Delta has done that!
A character that many fans have been clammoring for ever since the Anniversary was fading is Low Light!  Now, simply using a Toys “R” Us Firefly, the vest from an Anniversary Mutt, and the head from the upcoming Pursuit of Cobra Zartan, we have a fantastic Low Light that is updated slightly, yet still retains that very classic look.  Just the right amount of red paint on the vest and the goggles, and the rest just comes together.
Thanks to m6d for sending these images along!

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