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Mystery G.I. Joe female figure confirmed to be Helix!

helix_figureI’ll be the first to admit when I’m wrong, and I definitely swung and missed on my hypothesis with the mystery figure out of Asia being some updated version of Dial-Tone.  In my own defense, though, Helix wasn’t even on the minds of Joe fans those months ago, so cut me some slack.  😉

Ever since IDW mentioned Helix in a future solicitations article, Joe fans everywhere have come to the conclusion that this mysterious female figure was indeed this new character that was apparently designed for the video game and is thus being indoctrinated into the comic universe by IDW.  Not much was known about the character, even in the August solicitations.

However, friend of GeneralsJoes (and loyal YoJoe contributor) Phillip passed along the following link from Deviantart, which is apparently a cover for the Helix special drawn by Joe Suitor.  One glance at the cover confirms that the mystery character is indeed Helix!  Check out the fantastic image below:


IDW G.I. Joe Solicitations for August, 2009

You happy now, Mysterious Stranger?  I got the terminology right…  :shifty:

The following is a list of items scheduled for distribution from IDW in August, 2009…a lighter month, to be sure.

Chuck Dixon (w) • Augustin Padilla (a) • Padilla, Tom Feister (c)
The five-part series has become an ongoing, with rotating creative teams! On a mission to prevent a terrorist attack in a far-flung corner of the world, Scarlett’s former, civilian life and her new hard-ass life collide. Now, in the middle of a white-hot operation with the fate of millions in the balance, Scarlett decides which friend lives and which one dies. 2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99

G.I. JOE #8
Chuck Dixon (w) • SL Gallant (a) • Howard Chaykin, Robert Atkins (c)
No one holds the Baroness against her will… not even Destro. Scarlett remains on trial and the evidence is mounting. Mainframe and Snake Eyes on a roadtrip? The Joes invade the relocated Castle Destro only to find someone—or something—deadly at home. Jam-packed and action-wracked as this hard-charging series roars to new heights. 2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99


Brian Reed (w) • Joe Suitor (a) • Suitor, David Williams (c)
INTRODUCING A BRAND-NEW JOE! G.I. Joe is the best of the best. But that’s not good enough for Hawk. Enter Special Agent HELIX: a deadly young woman who may well define the future of G.I. Joe’s combat operations—if Duke can keep her alive long enough. This special tale ties in with the new G.I. JOE videogame! 2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99

G.I. Joe #5 reviews from the web

Once again, I haven’t had time to do a comic review, though I have purchased and read issue #5…and yet again, find myself a bit frustrated with the long, drawn out story…the main series just hasn’t progressed in 5 months.  While Origins, COBRA, and even the movie prequels tell compelling stories at a brisk pace, the main title continues to sort of plot along.  It’s a shame, because the art is outstanding, and the writing is great.  Dialog feels natural, the military jargon jives with what I’d expect…but there’s just….nothing….happening.  But what do other sites around the web have to say?  Here are two reviews to kick it off:

Awesome issue #5 “progression” art on

Robert Atkins, a regular contributor to (and current artist of the G.I. Joe book from IDW) occasionally posts some art on the JoeReloaded forums.  Well, he went a bit further this time around and showed off a bunch of art for the cover of Issue #5, including a very early sample, and leading up to the full blown colored final version.  Some awesome insight and some great art as well.

Check out the thread here.

G.I. Joe: COBRA #3… Wow.

Well, IDW certainly doesn’t seem to be messing around.  While the mainstream G.I. Joe title unfortunately sort of continues to plod along at a snail’s pace, pretty much every other G.I. Joe related offering from IDW is really knocking the ball out of the park.  I’ve been surprisingly keen on the movie prequels (which are simple, but amazingly effective), the Origins series has its ups and downs, but has been pretty solid over all.  The real winner in this 4-title race, though, is G.I. Joe: COBRA.  I had a feeling when I first heard the concept of this book that they were going to take the reigns off a little bit and go a little darker and grittier.  Well, they certainly have so far, and no more than they just did with Issue #3, which hit comic book stores today.

I’ll finish this talk about the book after the break, so as not to reveal any spoilers.  I’m actually going to consciously avoid the BIG spoilers in this issue, just so folks can read this post without fear of ruining a major plot point, but I may mention some events from the previous 2 issues here.
