by generalsjoes | Oct 23, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
GeneralsJoes commentor m6d brought up a good point a few days ago, saying that there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of buzz on release date for IDW G.I. Joe comics…I’ve noticed that, too, which is exactly why I try and let the fandom know when there are reactions around the ‘net for recent IDW releases. I’m with everyone else on the pace for the main G.I. Joe title, but I do think things have improved dramatically, and issue #10 was actually a great read, I think. I loved finally seeing some Cobra interaction, though I would have loved it even more if the Cobra Trooper inside the book resembled the Viper from the cover.
Even without that, though, it read very well…I loved the fact that the Cobra Trooper really took it to Snake Eyes and wasn’t just a push over, while Mainframe jabbered on in the background…it just flowed very nicely. The cameos and appearences were great, too. Anyone else notice that Cobra’s arctic headquarters looked an awful lot like it looked in The Rise of Cobra? I thought that was a cool touch as well.
The Snake Eyes issue? Not nearly as rosey. The art was crisp and clean, but very stylized and not great overall. The writing seemed a touch clunky and it was kind of tough being able to tell how the story was progressing. They’re touching on his past a little, but just a little, and in the end I wasn’t really sure exactly what I was reading. I’ll stick it out, but it wasn’t nearly as polished and exciting as G.I. Joe #10. Some other thoughts can be read below at some other places online:
G.I. Joe #10
Snake Eyes #1
by generalsjoes | Oct 21, 2009 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW has posted some information from the November issue of Previews Magazine, including some very cool details about the upcoming follow up to the critically acclaimed G.I. Joe: COBRA miniseries.
“Mike Costa, Christos N. Gage (w) o Antonio Fuso (a) o Fuso, Howard Chaykin (c)
CHUCKLES is the only man alive to have successfully infiltrated COBRA… and he’s M.I.A. Has he been killed? Defected? Gone rogue to fight a one-man war against the enemy? None of these alternatives are acceptable to GENERAL HAWK. He wants CHUCKLES back with G.I. JOE, so he’s sending a new Joe to retrieve him. But what she finds may be worse than anyone could have imagined… Also, get a deeper look inside COBRA than ever before, as TOMAX, XAMOT, and Erika continue to feel the effects of the previous miniseries, and several COBRA operatives are introduced for the first time in an IDW book!”
Absolutely freaking awesome. I cannot wait to get my hands on this book. Really looking forward to it.
Other G.I. Joe related entries, all slated to be released in January, 2010 include:
NOV09 0809 GI JOE COBRA II #1 01/27/10 SRP: $3.99 = $
NOV09 0812 GI JOE MOVIE SNAKE EYES #4 01/27/10 SRP: $3.99 = $
NOV09 0814 GI JOE #14 01/27/10 SRP: $3.99 = $
NOV09 0816 GI JOE ORIGINS #11 01/27/10 SRP: $3.99 = $
NOV09 0818 GI JOE BEST OF BARONESS TP 01/27/10 SRP: $19.99 = $
NOV09 1240 GI JOE COBRA ISLAND AF ASST (C: 1-1-3) 01/27/10 SRP: $49.99 = $
NOV09 1241 GI JOE MOVIE AF COLLECTION 1 ASST 201001 (C:1-1-3) 01/27/10 SRP: $12.99 = $
NOV09 1242 GI JOE MOVIE BRAVO VEHICLE W/AF ASST 201001 (C:1-1-3) 01/27/10 SRP: $39.99 = $
NOV09 1384 GI JOE CLASSIC GUNG HO BOBBLE HEAD 01/27/10 SRP: $11.99 = $
NOV09 1385 GI JOE CLASSIC DUKE BOBBLE HEAD 01/27/10 SRP: $11.99 = $
NOV09 1386 GI JOE CLASSIC DESTRO BOBBLE HEAD 01/27/10 SRP: $11.99 = $”
A big thanks to Jeff Bohn for the info.
by generalsjoes | Oct 7, 2009 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
Although most Joe fans online have seen the Amazon pre-orders for IDW Reprints, IDW has now officially announced that they will be selling Trade Paperback reprints of classic Marvel G.I. Joe Comics that have never been reprinted before. IDW has announced this on their website, and I’ve also posted the actual Press Release below.
New volume features never-before collected issues #51-60
Diamond order code SEP09 0865; ISBN 978-1600105456
It’s all G.I. JOE – all the time! With the blockbuster movie ushering in a new era of G.I. JOE, IDW is bringing back the classic comics that started it all! Classic G.I. JOE Volume 6, coming in November and under license from Hasbro, will offer fan-favorite issues from the dawn of G.I. JOE, remastered and reprinted for the very first time.
“Casual fans don’t realize what an influential comic book G.I. JOE is-that it’s an important piece of comics history,” said IDW G.I. JOE editor, Andy Schmidt. “It’s a shame that these industry-changing issues have never been collected previously-and obviously we’re extremely proud to be the ones to bring them back into print.”
While previous reprints have stopped at issue #50, IDW is charging ahead and will follow up Volume 6 with subsequent collections of never-before-reprinted material, taking G.I. JOE fans one step closer to a complete collection of there era-defining stories. Classic G.I. JOE Volume 6 will include such action-packed stories like “Thunder Machine,” “Snap Decisions” and “Pit-Fall,” all written by the irreplaceable Larry Hama.
Said Hama, “I think it’s terrific that these issues will finally be reprinted. Rod Whigham was really hitting his stride in these arcs and he was getting top-flight inking by a roster of classy pros. And then, of course, there’s Sgt. Slaughter, Zarana, and the secret of the Terrordromes!”
This great collection of issues also features the dynamic art of Rod Whigham, Andy Mushynsky, Sam DeLaRosa, Kim DeMulder, Bob McLeod and Todd McFarlane, plus J. Scott Campbell provides a fantastic classic-inspired cover.
Justin Eisinger, IDW editor, said “It’s a real pleasure to help bring these issues into print.”
by generalsjoes | Oct 1, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
It takes a lot of guts to emulate a timeless comic like Watchmen, especially when it comes to the fifth issue, but the guys at IDW, Mike Costa specifically, sought out to do just that when telling the tale of Tomax and Xamot in the G.I. Joe: COBRA Special, which was officially released yesterday (though I reviewed an advanced copy over a week ago). A few sites across the web have done reviews of this issue, and the results have been glowing. Check out some links below.
by generalsjoes | Sep 24, 2009 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
Chris Ryall, IDW Editor in Chief, has posted four cover images for upcoming G.I. Joe comics. G.I. Joe Origins #10, Snake Eyes #3, as well as G.I. Joe #12 and #13 cover pictures are all revealed at his blog site
I’ve also mirrored them below.
no images were found
by generalsjoes | Sep 24, 2009 | 5 Page Previews, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW has posted a 5-Page Preview of G.I. Joe #9, which actually hit local comic shops yesterday, but I don’t think I’ve seen the preview for it yet. Check it out below.
no images were found
Also, just as a reminder, the G.I. Joe: COBRA Special hits retail next Wednesday, September 30th, but GeneralsJoes received an advanced copy and reviewed it right here!