by generalsjoes | May 11, 2014 | Dio-Stories
When I was uploading the pages for Episode 04 today I realized there were only three… I felt a bit bad about such a short update, so I threw Episode 05 in with it for good measure.
Things are still building towards the big conflict, but meanwhile, a certain Master of Disguise makes his move to extract his pound of flesh…
Check out the Darkness Falls Dio-Story page, or link to the two episodes directly below:

by generalsjoes | May 4, 2014 | Dio-Stories
I may be on the road at the latest BattleForce: New England G.I. Joe meet down in Massachusetts, but the Sunday updates never stop!
Episode 3 of Darkness Falls is now online! Zartan means to exact a measure of revenge for his sister, and it doesn’t take him long to find his target…

by generalsjoes | Apr 27, 2014 | Dio-Stories, G.I. Joe
It’s Sunday, which means another update to the latest GeneralsJoes Dio-Story, Darkness Falls! Check out the link below to see the latest episode.

by generalsjoes | Apr 20, 2014 | Dio-Stories, G.I. Joe
Episode 1 of Darkness Falls has been posted. Check out Ghost in the Machine right here. You can also get familiar with the dio-story universe by checking out the Timeline. You can also check out the Darkness Falls section itself right here.

by generalsjoes | Apr 13, 2014 | Dio-Stories, G.I. Joe
Without question, the most frequent question I’ve received over the past several years is “when are you going to do the next dio-story?”
The answer is now.
Joining the enthusiastic G.I. Joe celebration for the 2014 G.I. Joe Convention, and appropriately in the same weekend that both Hit & Run and Vypra were announced for Figure Subscription 3.0, I now present G.I. Joe: Darkness Falls.
It has been added to my Dio-Story menu above, and has its dedicated page right here, and you can go ahead and check out the Prologue directly. Expect weekly episodes, every Sunday, and right now the series is slated to run a whopping 40 episodes!
It’s been a long and hard labor of love, and it’s a labor that still continues as I work to ensure that there will be regular updates throughout the entire story. Check it out, and I really hope it was worth the wait.
by generalsjoes | Apr 4, 2014 | Dio-Stories, G.I. Joe
I mentioned in my last news post that time spent on the dio-story had taken some time away from reviews, but all that time is about to pay off!
Ten days from today, Sunday, April 14th, my latest Dio-Story will begin! Picking up right where Ghosts left off, with Cobra on the precipice of executing Operation: Eclipse, G.I. Joe has been pushed to their breaking point. Mustering up all their resources, the team launches one last offensive against Cobra’s secret Amazon headquarters!
This is the largest scale dio-story I have ever done, and I feel like it’s a satisfying end to my little corner of the G.I. Joe universe. I hope others will feel the same way after all is said and done.
Check out the teaser on YouTube, and you should play some catch up with my previous dio-stories as well! You can also hit up my Dio-Story updates on the site itself, which will show some set building, etc…
Thanks for all of the support throughout my long walk down this road, I hope the destination ends up as fun as the ride has been.