by generalsjoes | Jun 27, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2012, Podcasts, Show and Convention Coverage, What's on Joe Mind
Not even here for 12 hours yet and already a quick podcast episode under our belts! Golden Ticket holders got a chance to get their mitts on the boxed sets today, which also included the convention comic. This Con Comic outlines the rest of the attendee exclusives that we are receiving tomorrow and the artwork also reveals some potential details about the items being offered.
Take a listen to this quickie 20 minute episode on our Podbean page, or use the embedded player below.
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by generalsjoes | Jun 27, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Comics, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, JoeCon 2012, Show and Convention Coverage
As has become the custom, thanks to the Golden Ticket early pick up and the Convention comic (which contains a listing of exclusives as well as the comic art itself) we are getting a clear picture about what to expect from the G.I. Joe Convention exclusives tomorrow night.
First and foremost, the attendee exclusive was revealed to be an Oktober Guard themed repaint of the Rise of Cobra Snarler Cycle, pictured below.

Along with this reveal, we also discovered that the Convention Exclusive attendee items for 2012 are the following:
- Annihilator 3-Pack (LE 650)
- IG Ground Assault 2-Pack (LE 1,000)
- Cobra Stealth Paratrooper (LE 500)
- OG Attack Helicopter (LE 600)
- Soviet Convoy Truck w/ 3 Tops (LE 500)
Based on what we see withn in the comic, I think it’s a fair guess that the Annihilator 3-Pack will feature 3 Annihilators, most likely using the backpack helicopter that came with the 25th Anniversary Matt Trakker. From some pieces of the comic art it looks as if they will use some Iron Grenadier parts, based on the back of the legs and the gauntlets. The helmet in the far away shot almost looks like an Ice Viper or other Rise of Cobra large-visored head sculpt.
Because of his prominence throughout the Con comic, it’s also a no-brainer that Darklon will likely be a part of the IG Ground Assault 2-Pack and he looks to have a new head sculpt, the same webgear as the Marauders Taurus figure with a healthy dose of Pursuit of Cobra Firefly parts underneath. The other figure is sort of a mystery.
No ideas about the Cobra Stealth Paratrooper other than it’s most likely the parachute figure and will not be available for sale until after the parachute drop on Friday.
Oktober Guard Attack Helicopter appears to be a repainted Rise of Cobra Dragonhawk, while the Soviet Convoy truck looks like the truck from Indiana Jones, which actually works fairly well in this regard.
I’ll be honest, this is a LOT more exclusives than I expected. Two vehicles and two separate figure packs, not to mention carded Footloose. Speaking of carded Footloose, the Club has brought 500 of them to the Con and they are limited to ONE PER PERSON including Golden Ticket holders. The reason for this according to Brian Savage is that they are not convention items, they are Club items, and they are specifically holding some back to sell after the Convention, something that is sure to please a number of fans out there.
Conspicuous by his absence as well is Dragonsky, who has been a hotly desired part of this Con set, but it looks like he will not come with this particular set. The reason I assume that is that he does show up in the Convention comic, but his uniform is based on the 2004 Comic Pack version, with no updated designs that might meld him into the modern set. He also appears to get wounded in the convention comic, which would account for the fact that he is not a major part of the story.
Check out some images below of the comic art, reflecting some of these things that I mentioned. Looking forward to seeing more tomorrow!
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A huge thanks to MadMac41 of JoeBattleLines for the info and the picture assistance! He came through big time.
by generalsjoes | Jun 20, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Special Ops, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2012, Show and Convention Coverage
We’re within a week of the kick off for the 2012 G.I. Joe Collectors’ Convention, and the Collectors’ Club has posted the full schedule of events right here. This helpful document breaks down when various folks can pick up their convention packages, and also gives a lowdown for the seminars, of which there are many!
Below are some of the highlights:
- Friday 12:00pm – 12:50pm: GIJCC Magazine Comic Panel – David S. Lane, Pete Sinclair
I really think that the GIJCC Newsletter comic has been making some terrific strides lately, and I’m looking forward to hearing what Dave and Pete have to say about it. From the obvious Pursuit of Cobra influences and the great GIJCC character tie-ins, it’s an enjoyable read every month. I’d love it if they collected them into a singular volume.
- Saturday 10:00am – 10:50am: Behind the Scenes of G.I. Joe: Retaliation – Hasbro
This sounds like it could be very interesting as well. I would imagine, since this is a Hasbro seminar, we’d be looking at Retaliation mostly from the toy design perspective, but any sorts of “behind the scenes” stuff is all good with me. I will definitely not be missing this one.
- Saturday 11:00am – 11:50am: Insider’s Guide: G.I. Joe 2013 – Hasbro
Hmmm… so we have a “G.I. Joe: Retaliation” themed panel as well as a “G.I. Joe 2013” panel? Veeerrry interesting… does this mean we might see some potential 2013 product that isn’t G.I. Joe: Retaliation related? A peek at the future beyond the movie? That would certainly be awesome. This is a BIG one to look forward to. Plan your weekend around this.
- Saturday 1:00pm – 1:50pm: Syfy Games presents G.I. JOE: Special Ops
I will admit I never would have suspected we’d see a panel devoted purely to Special Ops, but I’m looking forward to checking it out! Been hacking away at the Beta a bit, and it will be cool to see what else might be planned down the road and I’d love to hear about when the final release is expected.
- Saturday 3:00pm – 3:50pm: G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club Roundtable
Always a very informative panel, getting some sit down time with Brian, Lanny, Dave, Pete and the GIJCC gives us some great insight into the design of the convention set, the reasons some decisions were made, and sometimes we even get a little peek at the future. With the Figure Subscription Service looming on the horizon I suspect this will be a destination for many fans.
- Saturday 4:00pm – 4:50pm: IDW’s G.I. Joe: Real American Heroes
Comic fans, mark your calendars. IDW will be in attendance and ready to talk about the future of their G.I. Joe comic universe for 2012 and beyond. Hoping to hear some info here about future plans for G.I. Joe, Cobra, Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow, and G.I. Joe: Real American Hero here.
There are a number of other panels of course, with great discussions with Kirk Bozigian, package artwork talk, some insight with the voice actors as well as the always enlightening Mark Bellomo discussion Sunday at 1:00pm. All in all, it looks like a fantastic weekend of G.I. Joe nirvana, and I cannot wait to hit New Orleans! Again, find the full schedule of events right here!
by generalsjoes | May 24, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2012, Show and Convention Coverage
That’s right, you didn’t misread the headline… registration for the 2012 G.I. Joe Convention in New Orleans is officially live and ROCKING!
Hit up to fill out the form, sign up and prepare for New Orleans. One hint… if you are an existing member, if you want to sign in, enter the CAPTCHA information on the login screen and just hit “Enter”. That will process the CAPTCHA and let you log in.
Seeya in NOLA!
by generalsjoes | May 14, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2012, Podcasts, Show and Convention Coverage, What's on Joe Mind
As soon as convention season grows near, it seems like the questions continue to pop up year after year about this year’s convention. What does “golden ticket” mean, what do I get with my registration… how can I get a set if I’m not travelling to New Orleans?
Well, What’s on Joe Mind is all over it! We are your “one stop shop” for any Convention information you might need, and we got started bright and early with Special Edition #12. Gary and Justin break down the entire convention brochure and provide some insight as to what you can expect on every page and just how much of your hard-earned money you should be grasping onto prior to the end of June.
So check it out at our Podbean Site or via the embedded player(s) below.
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“The JoeCon Brochures are out!” Those 5 words are just as potent to a Joe fan as “Gentlemen, start your engines!” is to a race car driver, because to us it means JoeCon is drawing closer and registration time is near. Print off your forms and follow along with Gary and Justin, who between them share their nearly 20 years of JoeCon experience. Our dynamic duo will attempt to help you understand the brochure and read between the lines on this annually anticipated document. From the con sets, to the package choices, to the guests, to the pre-con tours, they’ll break it down for you in tinier, much easier to swallow morsels. Now all you need to do is print out the brochure and follow along! We’ve been on the road to New Orleans for a couple of weeks now, but the city lights are now visible in the distance. We’re your Golden Ticket to a successful JoeCon. It all starts here…!
G.I. Joe Convention 2012
by generalsjoes | May 1, 2012 | 12" Scale, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2012, Show and Convention Coverage
Shame on me for not mentioning this sooner… I know there are a lot of devoted 12″ fans out there, and this year’s 12″ Convention Set looks like a potential winner! Marketed as a “Last Man Standing” set, it apparently comes with two figures and an “Adventure Team heavy weapons” theme. Loving the box art.
Keep checking for the latest details, and I’ve also mirrored an image of the box art below.