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2009 G.I. Joe Convention Brochure is now online

Email just came in from the G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club that the convention brochure is online now.

In the brochure, they outline what to expect for the convention, and of course, give us a rundown of the convention exclusives.  This year, I am saddened to report, the 15-figure convention set is a 25th Anniversary reproduction of the Crimson Strike Team from 2002.

As a big vintage fan, the G.I. Joe Club figures are one of my most sought after and strongly desired figures of the entire year.  I eagerly await pictures and details online and in the newsletter so I can see what great new concepts and new ideas the Club has up their sleeves this year.  And now we’re getting 25th Anniversary reproductions of figures I already have?  No new characters, new stories, or new ideas?  One word:  Disappointment.

Utter and total disappointment.  Pictures of 25th Anniversary Tomax and Xamot figures have been floating around Asian auction sites for a while, and I continued to tell myself that the Club wouldn’t do that.  They’ve always supported the vintage fan and they’ve always told us that their medium of choice was the vintage “o-ring” style.  I am totally and completely disappointed by this choice.

They mention that the souveniers will feature members from the highly sought after “international teams”.  So, in other words, probably more 25th Anniversary repaints colored up like foreign exclusives.

I’ve been coasting on a “Resolute” high for the past 4 hours, and this is just a kick in the gut.  Bummer.

Other goodies found on

Busy night on TaoBao tonight…not only did Dial-Tone make her illustrious debut (this time with breasts!) but we’ve got a couple more mysteries to solve.

First off is an apparent redeco of Tomax and Xamot in the color scheme of the Crimson Strike Team convention set from several years ago.  That auction is here.  Next up is what appears to be a test shot of a possible upcoming Snow Cat!  Hasbro stated in the last Q & A that a Snow Cat was on the horizon, and we’ve discovered it makes an appearence in the Rise of COBRA video game, so it would certainly appear that a Snow Cat is headed to retail shelves in 2009.  Will it be a special exclusive?  Will it be a Rise of COBRA themed product?  I guess we’ll find out.  Check out that auction here.  Both images are also mirrored below.



High Res Hall of Heroes images at The Terror Drome

HissCommander from has posted some very nice high resolution images from the Hall of Heroes series.  While the figures don’t excite me much due to the repetition of parts use and character over-abundance, I gotta say the packaging is freaking beautiful.  It’s tempting to drop some green on them just for the cards alone…very nice.

Anyway, check out the pictures here.

Some great Hall of Heroes comparison pics at JoeBattleLines

MaxPower over at the JBL forums received his Hall of Heroes figures in the mail, and did a very good comparison/review of the recently released Hall of Heroes single-carded figures.  He breaks them down piece-by-piece and compares them to their equivolent releases already in the Anniversary line.

The in depth thread is here, and images are mirrored below.  Thanks to MaxPower at JBL for the pics!

Canadian JoeCon reveals 2 more exclusives!

Over at, more images and items have been revealed for exclusives slated to hit with the Canadian JoeCon!  Check out the thread on JoeCanuck here for all of the details on the 25th Anniversary exclusive Backstop with his personal tank the “Deadeye”!  Custom paint jobs and custom stickers highlight these two great looking exclusives.

The Canadian JoeCon explodes May 2nd with a veritable all star of guests, including Hasbro Canada, Mark Bellomo, and David Willis.  You can also check out the images below.

Unreleased Quarrel/Scarlett figure on

A repaint of the 25th Anniversary Scarlett figure, painted to resemble the European Exclusive Action Force “Quarrel” from back in the day, has surfaced on  Current speculation is that this was the base figure for the unreleased “Arctic Scarlett” that was slated to come with COBRA Commander in a wave of Comic Packs that never saw the light of day.  The translated description of the auction also comes out as “Hasbro GIJOE special female red hair color version of the snow” which also supports that theory.

Check the auction out here.


Thanks to HissCommander from The Terror Drome for the info!