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Target Exclusive vehicle packs revealed

HissTank forum member acmilan8540 has revealed a quartet of apparent Target exclusives which contain some repainted vehicles and some of the figures we’ve recently seen debuted on eBay by overseas auctioners.  Some Valor Vs. Venom pieces as well as the Anniversary COBRA CLAW with a nice assortment of vintage homage figures.  The packs include:

  • Grand Slam w/ Air Assault Glider (Spy Troops repaint glider)
  • Snake Eyes w/ Arashikage Cycle (Valor Vs. Venom Ninja Lightning repaint cycle)
  • Air-Viper Commander w/ COBRA CLAW (Anniversary CLAW repaint)
  • COBRA Eel w/ Wave Crusher (Spy Troops Wave Crusher repaint)

Check out the thread here, and check out the images below.

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UPDATE – Tons of new pictures of potential upcoming items from Unitedwell923!

Apparently “The Doctor” and Accelerator Suit Duke were only the tip of the iceberg…a wealth of new photos for potential upcoming product has been dug out from the unitewell923 archives…expect this stuff to hit auction in the near future.

Check out the load of images below, including some nice gems like a Python Patrol Tele-Viper, an arctic Snake Eyes, and what looks to be an updated Rise of COBRA Baroness!  Thanks again to HissCommander from The Terror Drome!

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COBRA Island Alley-Viper for sale loose through Black Sheep Toy Store

eBay seller Black Sheep Toy Store has re-listed the loose Defense of COBRA Island Alley-Viper figure, and it appears to come fully loaded with a full compliment of accessories, but at a much better price.  Previously selling for $29.99, the figure has now been relisted at $14.99 with free shipping!  Not a bad deal for folks wanting to bulk up on their Alley-Viper squads without dropping $40.00 apiece on 7-packs.

The auction is here and the images are below.

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Now if only he’d drop the price on that Resolute Baroness…      Thanks to Ricardogasjr of for the intel.

Crimson Tomax and Reactive Armor Scarlett pictures at JoeBattleLines

cmderinchief’s had a busy Saturday today…  we all know that when he’s not lurking around the Coil Club, he’s wheeling and dealing for early samples and dazzling us with pictures of stuff that won’t hit retail for months.  He comes through again today with a couple pretty neat pieces (depending on your frame of mind).

First of all, what has turned out to be a very controversial item, he’s posted some very nice images of the upcoming Crimson Strike re-do Tomax over at JoeBattleLines.  While the figure looks really nice and compliments the sculpting well, it has caused some fandom rage due to it being used in a Convention Exclusive at a premium price.  I’ll try to avoid getting into that bruhaha here (everyone knows my stance on that by now), but here are the images:

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He has also posted a nice assortment of images for the upcoming “Reactive Armor” version of Scarlett from The Rise of COBRA.  I can’t really explain it, but this figure rocks my world.  The sculpting and detail paint apps are really nice…the head sculpt looks great (at least on this version of the figure) and I really love the backpack-mounted grapple system and the crossbow that comes apart and stores in the holster.  Some very nice pics of what looks like a really nice figure.  Kudos, Gary, keep ’em coming!  😉

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Mysterious upcoming pre-production items on eBay

The Black Sheep Toy Store strikes again, this time with a nice batch of somewhat vintage-themed figures that look to be done up in movie style paint schemes.  Very interesting looking figures, for sure.  Click the following links to check out the auctions, and then peruse all of the images mirrored below.

There are some part swaps and paint alterations, but some interesting stuff to see, for sure.  I love the Grand Slam with the different lower legs, and the AVAC with the Resolute Trooper arms.  Some neat stuff mixed up here…

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Detailed images of UK-themed Scarlett at Blood for the Baron

Regular GeneralsJoes contributor cmderinchief recently got his hands on an Action Force themed repaint of the 25th Anniversary Scarlett figure, and was nice enough to let Blood for the Baron break the story.  To this point it is unknown as to whether or not this figure will ever even see release, but it remains an interesting figure nonetheless.

Check out the thread here, and take a gander at the images mirrored below.

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