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Very nice images of Tunnel Rat/Monkeywrench and upcoming Bench-Press TRU Exclusive

Our man cmderinchief is back at it again, with some more breakdowns of recently released and soon-to-be-released figures!  Over at JoeBattleLines, he’s posted a couple of very nice galleries of the upcoming Tunnel Rat/Monkeywrench Wal-Mart 2-Pack as well as the not yet released Bench-Press Toys “R” Us Exclusive.  Check ’em out below!

Wal-Mart Tunnel Rat/Monkeywrench

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Toys “R” Us Bench-Press

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That’s a whole lotta crimson right there…and dollar signs!

Over on JoeBattleLines, Mysterious Stranger has posted a great image featuring two of the excellent JoeCon Exclusive Crimson Guard paratroopers as well as the ever elusive San Diego ComicCon Sideshow Collectibles COBRA Commander.  The end result is a whole lotta red that also set him back a whole lotta green.  But the picture is absolutely bad ass.

Check it out below!


Comic Pack Training Snake Eyes test shot spotted online

Amongst the glut of cancelled product at the tail end of the Anniversary line, the Snake Eyes from the Snake Eyes vs. Night Creeper Comic Pack has been one of the very few never revealed in figure form.  Well, that’s all changed, thanks to some digging by The Terror Drome.  In fact, a few images have shown up for this Training Snake Eyes, some there and some from

This figure actually has an interesting history…initially, the Comic Pack was shown with a very striking cover that clearly showed a Resolute themed Snake Eyes facing off against the Night Creeper.  Somewhere along the line, though, the decision was made to instead use more reused tooling, and this Training Snake Eyes was put together using Storm Shadow parts with a new head.  Like Storm Shadow (who has some Dice stuff worked in there), Snake Eyes features some cool gear that could easily be utilized for COBRA Ninja Slice.  Check out the images below.

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Marauder “Gun Runners” I.D.S. Action Figure Stands on sale now!

Displaying figures came to the forefront with the Anniversary line, as Hasbro started including display stands with every figure.  Yet, as with the vintage stands, they are static, rectangular, and just never seem to be the right size to fit every display.

Marauder to the rescue, as usual.  There was a special premier of these at JoeCon 2009 last weekend, and now they are up for sale at the site itself.  These awesome action figure stands feature a very unique interlocking design to basically build a platform of stands that is extremely versatile and infinitely useful.  Not only that, but each stand has a peg for the new Anniversary/Star Wars/Rise of COBRA peg holes, but also has a peg for the vintage style as well.  Great stuff.

Check out some images mirrored below, and pick up a set of 20 for $12.99 here!

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