by generalsjoes | Oct 9, 2009 | 12" Scale, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: The Movie
If the Rise of Cobra did nothing else, it at least served to thrust the G.I. Joe brand back into America’s consciousness, which, in this fan’s opinion, is a very good thing. A couple of years ago seeing a G.I. Joe themed article at the Chicago Tribune would have been something I would have been shocked to see, but today, has a pretty neat flash-based retrospective on G.I. Joe’s history.
Check it out here.
There isn’t anything revolutionary or especially new to most long time Joe fans, but still cool to see some mainstream media coverage of our favorite fighting man.
by generalsjoes | Oct 3, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary
Notpicard keeps the 25th Anniversary unreleased goodness coming, giving us some great pictures of not only the already seen Python Patrol Tele-Viper, but also rounding off the full compliment of Python Patrol figures with the Trooper as well! Like the Tiger Force Roadblock, the Python Trooper is one we hadn’t seen a sniff of before now, and hadn’t even gotten any rumors about either. It seems interesting that all of these subteam remnants are leaking out there, perhaps they were originally planned as some sort of series of exclusives. Obviously the Tiger Force Roadblock was slated as part of Wave 15 (at least that’s the hypothesis based on silhouettes), but it does seem interesting that two Python Patrol figures not seen anywhere have suddenly shown up around the same time as the Roadblock.
Curiouser and curiouser…
Anyway, check out the original thread on JoeIntel, or you can check out the images below that they’ve graciously allowed me to mirror. You know…I’ve spent my fair time sorta slamming the Anniversary concept, or at least complaining about it’s repetetive nature in comparison to the Rise of COBRA and Pursuit of COBRA, at least from my own perspective. But you know, even though I much prefer the new over the rehashed, I can’t help but get a silly smile on my face when I see those Python Patrol guys in a group shot down there. That looks pretty bad ass, and in a way, I’m sorry those never made it to retail.
Granted, I’ll take the Pursuit of COBRA awesomeness over garish neon repaints of already-flawed tooling any day of the week, but those figures would still look pretty neat on display.
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by generalsjoes | Oct 2, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary
notpicard, the lucky Joefan who got his hands on an unreleased Training Snake Eyes figure has come through again with another gem, this one quite possibly more desirable than the last. Through sources known only to him, he was able to get a full paint sample test shot of the unreleased Tiger Force Roadblock! This long rumored figure was originally thought to come as a single pack in Wave 15 (judging by silhouettes on the back of Wave 14 carded samples).
Until now, however, no actual samples had ever been seen. Well, thanks to notpicard and the guys at JoeIntel, we can now get our first glimpse at this figure…check out the thread here, or the images I’ve been allowed to mirror below!
One has to wonder that if he managed to get this figure, what else is out there in unreleased form? Some of the rumored Python Patrol figures perhaps? I, for one, look forward to the revelations!
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by generalsjoes | Sep 25, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary
Well, don’t get too excited…there doesn’t appear to be anything new on the way, but with thanks to this thread from YoJoe, it would appear that India toy distributor Funskool is once again producing o-ring style G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero figures for distribution. This eBay auction is for a Quick Kick, and the back of the card (with a date stamp of May, 09) can be seen below.
Pretty cool news. Even if nothing new is coming out, it’s always good to see some o-ring stuff making it’s way to retail again, even with the sketchy Funskool quality.

by generalsjoes | Sep 24, 2009 | Customs, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, Kick Ass Custom
Well, I haven’t done one of these in a while, and haven’t really felt a burning desire to, even though I’ve seen a lot of pretty damn cool and creative stuff out there lately. However, when I stumbled upon Slaughters_Renegade on the Terror Drome…well, I just had to make mention of it!
His work ranges from simple tweaks to existing figures, to entirely new part sculpting and flawless paint apps, he has filled in a TON of holes in the 25th Anniversary roster. I’m sure everyone knows by now that I’m not all about reliving the past, but his work is so good, I just had to mention it. These images were all pulled from posts on The Terror Drome, and mirrored here. Some fantastic work.
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by generalsjoes | Sep 19, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: The Movie
Rulz over at HissTank adds two more Battle Stations to his COBRA Surveillance Port and has posted some very nice pictorials with a few details that we may not have seen. This time around, he showcases the Outpost Defender w/ Roadblock and Tripwire as well as the Laser Artillary Weapon with General Hawk and Grand Slam.
Once again I feel like these miss the boat a bit. It’s great seeing the Resolute Roadblock, but those colors are pretty horrible. The mustard yellow and strange hybrid desert camouflage just doesn’t really work to me. Tripwire looks okay, but he looks a lot like Grand Slam, only with some tiger stripes slapped on. They seem pretty random, and he doesn’t come close to matching the actual Tiger Force version of the character, so I’m not entirely sure why they’re there.
I absolutely love the single pack General Hawk, so it’s cool to see him here with green camouflage legs, but did we really need yet another Grand Slam on the shelves at the same time as the Target exclusive version? The guy got two versions in twenty-five years, and now we’re working on his fourth in two years, and his second in a matter of weeks. What really stinks is none of them really looks that different from another…except for the fact that they have different heads. Odd.
The Battle Stations themselves look okay…I really like the sandbags and the overall look of the Outpost Defender, and the LAW is actually growing on me somewhat, but neither of them really screams “Buy Me!” at the $18.00 price tag. Check out the mirrored images below.
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