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DISREGARD – Hollywood and Hasbro prove their insanity – Crazed G.I. Joe: Ever Vigilant script moving forward?

EDIT – Thanks to SkinnyJoeFan for letting us know that Alan Baltes is a CON ARTIST.  The Tweet and linked “Casting Page” are erroneous and should not be believed.

On to you’re regularly scheduled G.I. Joe fandom hysteria.

I officially don’t know what to believe any more. In recent days, news has begun bubbling to the surface again in regards to G.I. Joe: Ever Vigilant the rumored sequel to G.I.Joe: Rise of COBRA and G.I. Joe: Retaliation.

For those who don’t remember, news of this crazy film emerged over a year ago via ThisHashtagShow (linked here via CBR because the original article appears to be gone…) and while this early information is obviously fully in rumor mill territory, there seem to be some more current facts aligning with this nutty news.

For anyone who doesn’t remember, G.I. Joe: Ever Vigilant promised to introduce Tomax and Xamot to the G.I. Joe movie universe and place a focus on Chuckles, surrounded by the strangest group of supporting characters I ever heard.

Fellow G.I. Joe team members would supposedly include Adele Burkhart, Wild Bill, Keel Haul, Barbecue, Doc, and General Flagg.  Well, thanks to for passing along the word that an official Paramount Casting Agent Tweeted over the past week that they are beginning casting for the film, and sure enough listed several of the above characters as characters slated to appear in the film.

Now, we should still take this with a grain of salt.  Early reports stated that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson was hoping to come back for Ever Vigilant, and so far we’ve seen no indication of this.

Also, the original story was initially being developed as a way to join several Hasbro franchises within the rumored Hasbro Cinematic Universe, but to this point we’ve seen no sign of that moving forward either.

Keep in mind, this is the same film script that was talking about futuristic weaponry and time travel as a key component to the script.  You may want to check out the recent Full Force News Burst we recorded to talk about the more insane aspects of the rumored Ever Vigilant script.

Buckle up.

Andrew Li added to G.I. Joe: Snake Eyes as Art Director

As usual, is on top of any and all news related to the upcoming G.I. Joe: Snake Eyes film, reporting that Andrew Li has updated his LinkedIn Profile with the fact that he is now the Art Director for G.I. Joe: Snake Eyes.

This is fantastic news from a pure talent perspective as Mr. Li has had his fingers in some of the most stylistically appealing films in recent memory, including Pacific Rim, Star Trek: Beyond, X-Men 2, and a litany of others (you can check out his portfolio right here).

Of course, that does bring up some questions… everything we’ve heard about the Snake Eyes film to date indicates it’s a prequel and that it takes some serious cues from 1970’s Kung Fu films.  Personally, I struggle a little to see where Mr. Li’s style dovetails with 70’s Kung Fu, but based on his qualifications alone, I remain exceptionally optimistic.

Be sure to check out the latest Full Force News Burst as well to get our initial reaction and opinions to this news.

More to come!

News Bursts – Hasbro Moving Factories and the Top Gun license with… Mattel?!

Justin and Chris sit down for a couple of quick “bursts” to talk about some recent news items…

What’s the deal on GeneralsJoes Reborn, and wait– how many times did my wife watch the new Top Gun trailer?!?

Also, some exclusive footage only for Full Force Patreon subscribers… the latest “outtakes” features some truly intriguing insight by me and Chris, only available to those of you who subscribe via Patreon

G.I. Joe: War on COBRA Launches a Sneak Attack

What can I say, I’m a sucker for G.I. Joe licensed media and the latest one to have me captivated is War on COBRA.

First, a disclaimer – G.I. Joe: War on COBRA has not been officially announced or revealed by Hasbro or anyone affiliated. It is currently only available to certain international locations, and appears to be Android only (so far).  Also, this is likely a beta version of the game, so chances that it’s compatible with any of your devices are slim. 

However, G.I. Joe: Battlegrounds started out the same way several years back, so I have no reason to believe War on COBRA won’t be more widely available very shortly. I will say, thanks to an Android emulator on my trusty Surface Pro laptop, I’ve had a chance to play it quite a bit over the past twenty-four hours and it is a ton of fun. Gameplay is very similar to stuff like Command and Conquer: Rivals or Clash of Clans, with some interesting animated design and cartoon-like explosions. Lots of vintage throwbacks (Devilfish and the Skystorm helicopter to name a few) and I think there is some really fun potential to be had here.

Check out the Full Force News Burst I recorded with Chris below, some neat insight into the game play and characters here!