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What’s on Joe Mind Episode 63 – Canadian JoeCon, Hero Project, JoeBurg ahoy!

Wow, I think it’s safe to say this episode was packed.  We had a bunch of stuff to talk about, so we brought on The Mike from the Canadian JoeCon, the guys from the JoBurg Podcast, but we also really wanted to pay some close attention to the guys from Go Go Dynamo, who are behind The Hero Project and also were the lifeblood behind a little 8″ toy line you might have heard of… Sigma 6.

As many episodes of these podcasts that I’ve done, it surprises me that we can continue to talk to folks who I consider personal heroes.  Wayne and Tuck from Go Go Dynamo are absolute revolutionaries in design and art, and I considered it a true privilege to talk to them for an hour or so.  Cast whatever stones towards Sigma 6 that you might want to, but listening to their absolutely brilliant insight behind toy design, the G.I. Joe universe in 2005 and how that whole thing translates to The Hero Project was one of the most interesting and captivating 60 minutes I’ve ever spent on the show.  Truly awesome stuff.

Please consider supporting The Hero Project on Kickstarter, and once you’re done, come on back and hit up our Podbean Page to listen to the latest episode, especially because we also talk a ton about the awesome Canadian JoeCon and keep the JoBurg guys up way past their bed time.  Things get pretty wacky!

Check out the embedded player below, and the Show Notes after the jump.



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Concept Case Survey Round One Results – and where do we go from here?

Well, I actually cheated a little bit and instead of closing down the Concept Case survey last night, I did it at about 5:30 am this morning.  I was very pleased to see people were placing votes all the way until the end, as the last survey completed was at around 3:00am.

The response to this survey has been frankly overwhelming.  Everyone has been very positive and very enthusiastic about the results and the potential for data gathering for Hasbro.  While there is certainly no guarantees that anything here will impact any decisions Hasbro is going to make, they encouraged us at JoeCon to get whatever data we could, and G.I. Joe fans should be proud, you guys delivered!

There were nearly 1200 responses, which is quite impressive, and the fans have spoken.  I am going to outline the winners of Round One below, and you will see a wealth of charts and graphs screen capped as well, just to prove the results weren’t skewed in any way.

30th Anniversary Top 10

  1. Kwinn
  2. Flint
  3. Hit & Run
  4. Lady Jaye
  5. Crimson Guard Immortal
  6. HEAT Viper
  7. Cobra Eel
  8. Beachhead
  9. Cobra Officer
  10. Crimson Shadow Guard

Pursuit of Cobra Top 10

  1. Data-Viper
  2. Clutch
  3. Echo Faction Trooper
  4. Dreadnok KAOS Crew
  5. Cobra Infantry
  6. Zartan
  7. Heavy Alley-Viper
  8. Raven’s Wing
  9. NOMaD Warrior
  10. HISS Driver

Zombie Invasion & Legends of the Arashikage

  1. Ghost Ninja Henchman
  2. Dark Ninja Master
  3. Zombie Cobra Commander
  4. Beast Ninja
  5. Toxo-Zombie
  6. Red Ninja Dice
  7. Ninja Warrior Monk
  8. Zombie Cobra Viper
  9. Gold Ninja
  10. Urban Ninja

There were also (obviously) results for the G.I. Joe: Renegades and vehicles as well, and I mirrored images of the survey results on those below.  I figured the figures from the three main sections was the most important.

Now…where do we go from here?  I think an important next step is to take the winners of each section and face them off against each other.  They’ve all been compared within the confines of their own subline, but I think the next important step is to cull more wheat and refine the results even further.

For folks who have been following along…what would you rather see?  The Top 5 from each section face off, or the Top 10?  Would a Round two survey with 15 – 20 quick and easy choices be a better idea, or broadening the scope a bit?  Leave me comments in the comment section with your choices.

Take a peek at the images below to get a great breakdown of each section of the poll, and most importantly THANK YOU ALL for your contributions.  This has been a terrific community-building experience.


Preview for IDW Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow #15

New comic day is on the horizon, and this week we’re getting the latest installment of Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow from IDW Publishing.  Check out the preview of the latest issue below.

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Snake Eyes & Storm Shadow #15

Chuck Dixon (w) • Robert Atkins (a) • Andrea Di Vito (c)

“Serpent’s Shadow,” part 3!

SNAKE EYES continues a deadly game where the rules are known only to him. To prove his renewed loyalty to the Arashikage Clan, he joins a team to kill the new COBRA COMMANDER! But danger lurks for him within the ninja clan with a new betrayal around every corner. ALSO! Zartan makes some interesting new friends.

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

*Variant covers:

Lee Ferguson cover!

Bullet Points:

  • Non-stop ninja and commando action!
  • Featuring the key villain from G.I. JOE: RETALIATION!

GeneralsJoes Concept Case Top 10 – Number 1

Here we are.  Number one.  My most requested, most admired, and most longed after item that we saw in the Concept Case at the 2012 G.I. Joe Convention.  I will admit something, though.  If we’re talking about being impressed by a specific item itself, I would have to admit, the Coyote was probably the most impressive toy that I saw, standing on its own.  But with the thought in mind that we will likely never see this thing at retail, I wanted to place the number one moniker on a more realistic goal.  A figure with some new tooling (but not too much), and a figure of a character that I have loved for a very long time.

1 – G.I. Joe: 30th Anniversary Hit & Run

In 1988 I was just starting high school, and trying to figure out what I wanted to be “when I grew up”.  I bounced between being an artist, being a writer, and pretty much as far away from Information Services flunky as you can get.  Back in those days, well before I ever heard the term “fanfic” I explored my writing by diving into the G.I. Joe universe.  With it being 1988, and the last Sunbow G.I. Joe adventures being behind us, it felt kind of like a new start, even though I was a devout comic fan, and the comic was still going strong.  One of the first figures I bought from the 1988 series was Hit & Run, and I was immediately blown away.  As a 14 year old kid, I was especially impressed by his background on the filecard, involving the death of his parents, and it immediately gave the character an immense depth in my mind.

My own personal G.I. Joe universe developed over the next couple of years, and in 1990 I really dove into my writing, which involved the Joe team picking up the pieces after a massive battle had eliminated much of their leadership team.  Stalker was the new commander, Bullhorn played a key communications role, and Hit & Run earned his spot as the trademark “lone wolf” being rather anti-social and angry at the world because of his rocky upbringing and his inability to stay in one place for too long.  As a big fan of Wolverine and The Punisher back then, the whole lone wolf mentality was fresh in my head, and the character was without a doubt the focus of my entire G.I. Joe universe.  He wasn’t a ninja like Snake Eyes, but he was fast, awesome with a weapon, and he just didn’t care about anything but killing Cobra.

The character has just always resonated with me, and continued to when I wrote my fanfic The Price of Peace (which is pretty different than what I was writing in 1990, but still had some of those elements in place), and then when I moved over to my Dio-Stories.  Hit & Run has always remained a constant, and even as I’ve watched several other characters evolve through new designs and concepts, my trusty ’88 Hit & Run has maintained his place.  Yes, we did receive a 25th Anniversary update in the Attack of Cobra Island boxed set, which both surprised and impressed me, but the end result, unfortunately, didn’t really give the character justice in my mind.  I wondered if a new version ever would.

Turns out that yes.  A new version could do the character justice.  Justice in a huge way.  As I walked to the Concept Case up ahead, after grabbing my parachute figures from the Sales floor, I had already heard the whispers of people milling around.  No less than four people walked up to me in the 20 minutes I was in line, a couple of them practically jogging, to excitedly tell me there was a Hit & Run in the case.  I almost couldn’t believe it.

After waiting in line I rushed over, and there it was.  A newly tooled head, with the necessary green facepaint and camouflage.  Lots of borrowed parts, but parts borrowed from as of yet unreleased figures (upcoming 3-Pack Firefly torso, upcoming 3-Pack Agent Mouse arms) and using the fantastic parachute rig that was never included with Lifeline…essentially the figure looks all new, but with lots of borrowed tooling.  Parts choice was perfect, the weapons used were simply fantastic, and the new head, helmet, and goggles simply topped the whole thing off.  This figure is freaking gorgeous.  Gorgeous.  Not only does it look amazing, but it does a perfect job of taking one of my all time favorite characters, as obscure as he might be, and planting him firmly in the modern era, capturing all of the old school spirit, yet making all of the right updates.  If I was allowed to make the perfect update to Hit & Run myself, this figure would be the end result.  I love this figure so much, I’m desperately trying to not imagine a world where it is never released.  I’m trying to convince myself that fan demand will somehow prevail and this figure will end up at retail or as some sort of online exclusive somewhere, some time, and some place.  I don’t care when, I don’t care how, and I don’t care how much, this figure must happen.

Hit up the Concept Case Survey and help me do that.  🙂

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Oh, by the way…  VOTE HIT & RUN!

Canadian JoeCon reveals modern era JoeCanuck!

The Canadian JoeCon started out several years ago as the “Canadian JoeMeet” and involved a mere fraction of the people that attend today.  But even when it first started, a custom figure got things rolling, and back then, that figure was JoeCanuck.

The original JoeCanuck was a vintage style o-ring figure with a customized head…now the folks North of the border are giving us an updated JoeCanuck figure in a modern era style!  JoeCanuck doesn’t need to mess with long-sleeved winter coats, he rocks the Canadian winters in a short-sleeved shirt.

I think this is actually my favorite figure of this year’s Canadian JoeCon so far.  Love seeing some Rise of Cobra/30th Anniversary/G.I. Joe: Renegades parts, and the color combination is excellent. Great stuff!  Check out for the official reveal, and I’ve mirrored an image below.

Make sure to keep your eyes on for the latest information!