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Five Page Preview from G.I. Joe #27

This is it…the final issue in the so-called “Season One” arc of the mainstream G.I. Joe title from IDW.  It’s been a roller coaster ride, through various ups and downs, and I’ll be the first to say that issue #26 was one of the downs.  The story itself was exciting, the art was great, but it felt a bit like wasted potential for all of this build up to feature essentially the two character we know and feel the least about.  We’ll see if Chuck Dixon can make amends with issue #27 tomorrow.  Check out the 5-Page preview below.
G.I. JOE #27
Chuck Dixon (w) • Robert Atkins (a & c)
“M.A.S.S. DESTRUCTION” concludes here with Snake Eyes and Helix stranded at the top of the world in a desperate battle against time, the elements and COBRA. Expect an armored vehicle battle on the frozen wastes of an Arctic wasteland like you’ve never seen before. And a chilling shock ending you never thought you’d see!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99

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Mystery art on JoeCanuck reveals a Canadian JoeCon Exclusive?

Yes, that’s a question, because I have no idea…but I was perusing some of my favorite G.I. Joe sites today, and what do I see in the upper corner of
This guy:

Okay, so that’s definitely Jason Loo’s artwork…or seems to be, anyway.  He’s the guy that typically does the art for the Canadian JoeCon Exclusives.  So of course, I eagerly jumped into the site and looked around, but saw no mention of this anywhere.  What the–?
I guess it could be a mistake, or perhaps a sign of things to come, but whatever the case, the figure looks really cool.  So, of course, you’ll want to keep June 18th in mind if you’re at all interested.  No guarantees, but it certainly seems to be leading that way.  The full information for the upcoming Canadian JoeCon can be seen below:

You can also, of course, go to for the full skinny as well!

JoeCon? Forget it… make mine CobraCon!

Well it must be that time of year again… sick and tired of the publicity the Joes are getting from the annual JoeCon, Cobra Commander has led an all out assault on JoeCon 2011 in Orlando!  In fact, it looks like he’s taking it over for Cobra!
Check out, and take a peek at the YouTube video below.

Excellent.  Thanks to The Terror Drome for the information.

One step closer to the "real" G.I. Joe: Renegades Zartan?

Fellow Renegades fanatic kennywr22 noticed that MSN’s G.I. Joe: Renegades page has updated with a description for another upcoming episode, this time, “Knock Offs”.

“The Baroness is transporting a high-tech suit to Cobra Commander.”

Now, on first glance, that looks like no biggie.  Fairly typical Cobra themed episode, eh?  Well…  let’s take a look at the character bio for Zartan shall we?

A ruthless biker gang-leading thug, ZARTAN becomes a valuable asset to Cobra (and an incredible threat to the G.I. Joe team) when he stumbles upon and becomes the only person who can wear an experimental Cobra “chameleon tech” suit — giving him the ability to perfectly mimic the appearance, voice, and mannerisms of anyone the suit comes into contact with.”

Hmmm… “Chameleon Tech Suit”?  Could this be the suit that The Baroness is delivering?  The title “Knock Offs” also seems to indicate some sort of copy of something else (as Zartan might be using the suit to copy another person).  Could this mean we’ll soon see Zartan as he was meant to be?  Let’s hope.  Knock Offs is slated to air March 18th.  Seems so far away!  Time will tell.
Thanks again to kenny for the information!

Some cool artwork tidbits courtesy of

Well, they’re not posted on themselves, but admin of the site David Thornton has passed along some great links to some cool artwork that’s floating around out there.  First of all, an unused cover to the Marvel Series has appeared on Comic Art Fans.  At one point a cover to issue #79, it was apparently not used for one reason or another, but here it is for your viewing pleasure.

Also, David passes along word of a very cool auction over on Yahoo Japan which features what appears to be some production art for the Sigma 6 animated series.  I know there isn’t much love lost for that particular G.I. Joe themed media, but I still love checking out this behind the scenes stuff!  Take a peek right here.

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