Now, normally I try to avoid promoting the Chinese gray-market sellers too much on the site (even though I regularly partake in their wares, since I’m all about being a hypocrite). But in the case of the Wave 3 Alpha product, since it’s cancelled state side, I can make an exception, I suppose.
The Terror Drome reports that Black Sheep Toy Store (also known as ws_toys) has Volcano Vipers up for grabs! Woop! Beyond the Polar Shark Sub, this was one figure that I was really looking forward to, and I’m psyched that he will at least be available in some regard. Now all we need is the sub itself and Ice Storm. Leatherneck wouldn’t be bad, but I still think Hasbro might have a better version up their sleeves somewhere down the line. He would fit the Pursuit of Cobra perfectly.
Check out the auctions below and the mirrored images directly underneath:
no images were found
Although I know figures have been shown and never seen again, I think Hasbro is a bigger fan of reusing molds than they have even been in the past, so I imagine we’ll see this again. Sometime, at least. I don’t think I’ve ever had to pay five bucks to ship a tiny thing like that…
Don’t forget they’re coming from China, though.
But I agree….We’ll see these guys again in some form, I reckon.
As far as Leatherneck goes, if they want to update him for POC or something else, cool. Whatever. But in the name of all that is holy at least just paint what you have Hasbro and give us a classic one too. It just takes green and brown paint.
My only real concern with ordering from WS_Toys, is, are they the complete production toys? Are the figures fully colored, and fully geared, and made of the standard plastic? And do I really want to pay $13 for Zartan, Storm shadow, and the Kickass Ripcord?
Gnome, they’re pretty damned close. I have all of the ones you’ve mentioned, and they are really good quality. Surprisingly good, really.
I got the Stormy, and have Ordered a Vosloo head Zartan and loose Doc.
The Stormy came with all the accessories shown at the convention or toy show (I forget where), just no file card.
I can’t tell the difference between him and a “legit” fig. I also ordered a Wraith, before I found them for $4 at TJ Maxx.
Its only $5 for the first fig and $1 for each additional. So they come out to around the higher end of retail if you buy enough.
What the heck is wrong with Hasbro, that they DUMP the cool stuff and hang on to the lamer stuff to pawn off on us?!
I wanted a ton of those freakin’ ripcord figures to convert into TARGATs for my IG troops, and now I guess it won’t happen. (The Marlon Wayans heads would have been popped off and trashed most likely, in favor of something more like the Battle Armor CC or “RoC” Flash or something even better under the helmets.)
Thanks for nothing Hasbro, because those Volcano Vipers actually look wicked cool too. &@$!^*%$.