The MTV Movies Blog had a chance to sit down and talk with the writers behind Zombieland, Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, and made sure to grill them somewhat about the progress on the G.I. Joe sequel. The two writers confirmed that they are working on the film, and that it will not be a reboot. But they also specified that they will try and make it closer to the source material while still making it a big, fun movie.
In the interview they say that they are traveling to Hasbro headquarters to start working out ideas for new characters (though they would not say who). Check out the interview for yourself, embedded below:
Good luck digging yourselves out of the hole that the first film created.
Short of James Cameron-scale brilliance, the only way to save the G.I. Joe movie franchise is through a reboot, which they unfortunately don’t intend on doing.
You are wasting your time saying that Blitz. Too many people like ANY and ALL things as long it’s just called Joe and will take ANYTHING given to them.
I Don’t really like, but I’m sure I’ll go and see it, or I don’t really like that toy and it’s a repaint that I already have 9 versions of but I’ll probably get it anyway, haha, etc and etc.
This movie got such a bad vibe with most of the collectors, with the critics, and got nominated for 6 razzies. Just because someone saw it the first time doesn’t mean they will see it a second time. They are familiar with the movie and it’s characters, and even though they paid to see the first film, if they walked out and didn’t like it, they won’t pay to see a second one.
I guess Hasbro and Paramount like getting a bad rep and getting nominated for razzies instead of emmys?
The part I don’t understand is that they seemed to content to just replace Beatty and keep everything else the same. I mean at this point, it’s only in the beginning stages. The guys have their own ideas, but they are going to Hasbro inc. to get told what to write and then they have to pen it and then it has to be approved by Paramount. So nothing is set in stone, but Beatty wasn’t the weak link in the first film. The guy was rushed and had to compromise, create and be creative ON THE SPOT day to day.
He wasn’t the problem Paramount. The problem is your director who isn’t a top notch director and who wants to inject his old, tired and rejected movie plots into any film that will give him the opportunity making it NOT G I Joe. The problem is also in the wooden acting of guys like Channing Tatum.
And it’s also in the CGI work and special effects. I’ve seen better on the Sci-Fi channel and I probably watch something on that network perhaps twice a year.
So, lol, whatever. Good luck because you’re going to need it. I won’t be seeing it. And once I get Dial Tone and Lowlight this year, my collection is complete and it won’t matter to me when this franchise goes comatose for years.
I guess since it will all stay the same, that means we will see more Channing Tatums, Marlon Wayans and Heavy Duty’s in reactive armor and accelerator suits on the pegs at retail come 2011 or 2012?
Hey, they didn’t sell the first time so maybe the second? Let’s all cross our fingers and pray.
And anyone who’s in this hobby for the long run should be concerned for this, because logic will tell you these toys (and they will be the same toys of the same characters)that didn’t sell well the first time in 2009, may have better sculpts in 2012, but they won’t sell any better due to content. And that means whatever G I Joe line is going then–if it is–will have to take a 1 year hiatus due to more movie stuff, then take another half year hiatus because the movie stuff will stagnate once again.
I’m sure I’ll get knocked for this. How dare I speak negatively against Hasbro and against our beloved Joe, but I guess people are too worked up in just getting “more Joes” that they don’t see the long term effects a movie that isn’t a reboot will have on the franchise from film, print and toys.
And of course they are fans. We all are right? We all heard of G I Joe at some point. Or we know someone that had some. Or was that MASK?
We all saw the cartoon or was that Transformers?
We all read the comics, wait there was a comic?
It’s really a cliche in hollywood to hear writers exclaim how excited they are to pen a script and how they’ve conviently been “big fans” all their lives.
And they aren’t going to re-boot but it will be just like the movie but it will be more ARAH inspired.
The only thing that ROC and ARAH had in common were the codenames of the heroes and villains and the duels between the two ninjas.
What can you add to ROC that will be ARAH inspired but will keep everything the same in the first film and not be a re-boot?
Isn’t that what we were told the first time with Sommers and Di Bonaventura? That it was all going to be ARAH inspired?
Love the optimism guys. I really do and I also love how you like to throw everything ROC under the bus at every corner. We get that you don’t like it Alpine, thing is there are people that genuinely like the movie and the figures that we got from the movie but yet you like to continuously say Joe fans only like it because it has the G.I. Joe name on it and I’m sure that’s the case for some but not all of us. ROC must of done all right in the long run otherwise there would be no sequel being worked on. ROC would of been it. Hell, there are things I don’t like about the movie and I hardly think it was the best movie I saw last year (That would be Star Trek or Distric 9 actually) but I still enjoyed it. Your doom and gloom outlook has facts to back it, I’ll give you that but to sit here and say its going to come to an end because they are working on a sequel to a movie that must of saw some success is a guess at best and I say that because G.I. Joe in the 3 3/4 scale has been around for 25 years plus and has continued to reinvent itself to stay relevent among fans and I for one expect that to continue.
For the record I’m not trying to argue I’m just trying to show the other side of coin from a fan that enjoys ROC despite its faults.
And good luck with the RoC sequel ndviper, despite it’s faults.
if you ask me, they should just reboot it.