The only Wal-Mart Battle Station that Alexx had yet to cover has now been covered! With his usual humerous style, Alexx has plenty to say about the somewhat flimsy looking Battle Station with the sketchy figures…I’ve mirrored the great images below.
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Loved the shot with the three vipers, i would easily have two of these (twisted wrists and all) than twenty of those silly mars troopers & tele-funko-vipers, but then again i would be questioning all of hasbro’s “wisdom” for like, the 80th time on these forums. Great pics, alexx.
In terms of the Tele-Vipers, the 25th stuff hurt them something terrible. Since the new style is what we’re using and reusing, they got that old style Tele-Viper head, and they won’t make a new one. It sucks, because the spytroops Tele-Viper was leaps and bounds above the classic version! Not only in looks, but in the way they were utilized.
Man I loved the Spy Troops Tele-Viper. Probably one of the best figures of that era, which is kind of weird to say.
I wouldn’t say it’s weird; there were a lot of great ideas around that time! Some figures only suffered from strange proportions. Otherwise, the ideas and designs were solid! That’s the problem with nostalgia. The 25th figures focus was so narrow; we saw a lot of 80’s stuff, but that’s it. What about all the awesome stuff from the 90s, and what about all the awesome stuff they just got done doing in JvC, Spytroops, and VvV? We’ll never see either Overkill (original or the awesome remake) ever again, and we’ll never see the much, much better Tele-Viper. I’m hoping that RoC will give way to more new versions of character rather than reusuing old remade 80’s designs for all of them.
I think 25th was getting there, look at the night creeper & range-viper; early 90’s plus, we were going to get lt. stone & iron klaw comic pack! dice! we already got the hard master, scar-face, a crimson guard without helmet, even matt trakker! Sure, they missed the ball a few times, but we got characters we would never had any chance to get. That’s why i respect that line so much, a couple of years more, and they would have delivered some great surprises; i’m sure of it.
Well, I agree there. Matt Tracker was a cool addition and I wished they would have put in a few more extras like that, and Iron Klaw had BETTER be released SOMEHOW. That figure is all kinds of badass, and one of the best choices to bring over from Extreme. I had forgotten that the Range Viper and Night Creeper were early 90s, as well! Honestly, though, I don’t see why classic figures couldn’t be thrown in together with the current line. So glad they managed the Night Creeper (in those awesome colors) and the Range Viper (in green, for the first time ever!)