by generalsjoes | Oct 30, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: The Movie
Werecat over on JoeBattleLines has posted a pretty nice in depth look at some ways to get a more character-accurate version of Repeater out of the recently released Toys “R” Us Troop Builder 5-Pack.
Some nice little part swaps over some great opportunity for expanding the Joe roster. Check out the thread right here, and some images are also mirrored below.
“Good news for those of you out there who were upset at Repeater’s needless race change. As it turns out, it’s a very easy fix to make him true-to-form, and give us a simple but effective LBC Hardball as a bonus. The only catch, is, you’ll need to buy two ‘Joe sets.
Repeater and Footloose share the same body, just with different flesh color. So if you have an extra Footloose, you’ll have a Repeater body with Caucasian skin tone. And you don’t have to worry about a proper Repeater head. Hasbro already helped us out on that angle! The extra Zartan head very much harkens back to White Repeater, because it has the patrol cap and black hair. So simply stick this head on the Footloose body, and you have an instant Repeater. You can even keep the same web gear, as it’s similar enough to the original figure in design.”
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by generalsjoes | Oct 29, 2009 | 12" Scale, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Toys, Sideshow
I don’t think anyone saw this coming… Sideshow Collectibles sprang a nice surprise during their Halloween Spooktacular event…a brand new G.I. Joe themed pre-order!
The COBRA Sniper is an absolutely awesome looking dark hued COBRA Trooper with his trademark Drugonov sniper rifle and a brand new look. Black uniform with very cool silver highlights and the Officer’s crest on his helmet makes for one cool ass looking new COBRA specialist. To pre-order click the banner below!

A few images are mirrored below, but many more are available at Sideshow Collectibles!
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by generalsjoes | Oct 29, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: The Movie
Thanks to HissCommander from The Terror Drome for letting me know that currently has the two brand spankin’ new Troop Builder 5-Packs available for ordering through their website!
They retail for $19.99 each…I just placed my order, and it was $45.00 for the two of them including shipping. Pretty good deal, all told, for ten figures. There are no images in the listing, so just be aware that Trooper Builder 5-Pack 1 is the G.I. Joe one, and Troop Builder 5-Pack 2 is the Cobra one. Go get ’em.
by generalsjoes | Oct 29, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: The Movie
Hot on the heels of the Toys “R” Us Attack on the Pit review comes the follow up review for the Target exclusive Rescue Mission 4-Pack. While it doesn’t have as many figures, or quite as much value, I think the set itself has a whole lot more “cool factor” than the TRU one.
Check out the review right here!
by generalsjoes | Oct 29, 2009 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, G.I. Joe: Resolute
Folks were fairly bummed about the cancellation of the Resolute themed comic packs that were slated to hit earlier this year before things went up in smoke, but various retailers like and have made the comics available through exclusive download programs.
Well, is at it again, with a great deal for G.I. Joe fans. Pre-Order G.I. Joe: Resolute from and you get a download code for yet another digital copy of one of the cancelled comic pack Comics, this time featuring Iron Klaw Trooper vs. Crimson Trooper! Not only that, but Resolute is cheap at Amazon as well, coming in at just $13.99.
Check out some images below of the DVD box art as well as two preview pages from the digital comic.
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