We’d already heard that the Wal-Mart 2-Packs were available online, but for the first time, according to a HissTank member, they’ve also been found at a brick & mortar store in New York. Along with that revalation, another HissTank poster reveals that he scored the second wave of Target Exclusives at his local store as well.
Gotta love these August store shelf resets… Let the hunt begin again!
can someone please let me know if any have surfaced in South Florida and then if so remind my friends and family my BDay is almost a week away and I’d die if I saw a Shockblast/Night Creeper 2-pack with my name on it.
Anyone seen these thing at a Walmart in the South Florida area? I wants me a Shockblast/NC and TRat/Monkeywrench 2pack!!!
I have a trick, It has worked for me many times,
Go to toys r us right when it opens on thursday morning.
I used that trick last week and got The Doctor,Arctic Snake and Arctic Storm Shadow, and Accelerator Suit Duke.