The TV Spots are hitting hot and heavy these days, as Spot #6 has just shown up on YouTube, courtesy of Adult Swim. Thanks to SNAKE EYES at HissTank for the heads up. New footage in this one, too!
EDIT – Actually, upon looking at this a few times, this looks a lot like the already revealed Trailer #3…I’m leaving it up, just for posterity, but maybe you shouldn’t get your hopes up too much. 😉 Thanks to tkprime for the eagle eyes.
What exactly is new on this one? It looks a lot like # 3 (If there’s a difference I’m really not seeing it). But Knowing is Half the Battle……I want to Know!
Hmmm…you’re right. I could have sworn there were some little snippets here and there (Duke in the cockpit, a bit of an extended scene with the Baroness and the flashlight, some clips re-arranged) but no, it does look an awful lot like Trailer #3…
Looked like it had an extended scene of the undersea battle and the baroness flash thing scene. Otherwise, much of the same.
I’m pretty sure the underwater scene is a little bit longer and the pursuit scene in Paris looks like it has some new footage…
Yeah, I’m gonna agree with ggpike here, there is some extended scenes in that trailer. Unfortunately they all use the same scenes, just mixed up a bit. But there is definitely something new in each one — with some extensions of previously seen scenes too.