Many a fan has wondered exactly what the hell went wrong with Hasbro’s face-scanning equipment when The Baroness figure was first revealed, since it looked absolutely nothing like the normally beautiful Sienna Miller. Most other face sculpts all look okay, but hers? Not so much.
Turns out, the actress has noticed. Speaking with the New York Daily News, she had this to say:
“My doll is cross-eyed and has the biggest chin you have ever seen…” “…She looks sort of possessed.”
Click here to read the full article…I wonder if we’ll get any sort of updated face sculpt somewhere down the line? Hopefully we don’t have to wait for the inevitable sequel. Meanwhile, someone needs to tell her the correct term is “action figure”. :shifty:
Maybe she’s talking about the 12 inch one?
I think the Baroness figure looks fine, so long as the glasses stay on.
My thoughts exactly: ACTION FIGURE!
Maybe she moved her head, grinded her teeth, was chewing gum etc during the face scan.
I passed on the baroness because the ROC head looked like a man, and the 5 pack version was so much better.