Okay, I wasn’t going to grab the Covert Operations Scarlett…I have the Desert Ambush version in her Reactive Armor (with the MUCH better head) so I felt no reason to get the one in her cammie jammies…well, until I saw some of Alexx’s damn pictures. He posted them in his usual spot on JoeBattleLines, and now I think I’m sold on this figure.
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It’s not just the head swap either (though that definitely helps). It’s the range of motion, the accessories…it’s all really nicely done, even for a fairly dull BDU clad figure. I might just have to grab this one.
Yep. The headswap seals the deal. Great pics, for sure.
I just got this figure today, with the Desert Ambush Scarlett. She’s a pretty good figure. I got her primarily to have an extra female body for customs, but she’s growing on me.