Jeff Bohns drops a line to let us know that he has stumbled upon a couple of new Rise of COBRA books at his local Barnes & Nobel. He has also located them on Amazon:
He also found a pair of 100 piece puzzles at Toys “R” Us featuring Duke and Ripcord dodging missiles in their accelerator suits and Storm Shadow facing off against Snake Eyes. Each puzzle was $4.99.
Also of note, the Simon & Schuster website has a section totally devoted to G.I. Joe: The Rise of COBRA, featuring release dates, information, etc… check it out here!
I read the first prequel movie novel and it was decent. The Ripcord character was written very annoying with smart-ass comments making up half his dialogue. If the movie character is similar then the fanboys may have been right about his casting. Anyway…
I might pick up these novels if the back cover blurbs are interesting. Like I said the first one wasn’t too bad. Definitely sets up a lot of the film.
I saw these today @ Wally. They’re illustrated children’s books. I’ll pick them up for my son to check out. They’re about $4.