GeneralsJoes buddy Smokescreen has posted some very nice images over at his site, of the yet-to-be released black and red Lamprey repaint. According to the images, the helmet looks to be completely new compared to the 7-Pack version, and has a pretty awesome rebreather that hooks onto the back. A really cool looking figure, I have to say.
Check out the site here, or check out the images mirrored below:
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Is this confirmed as a Cobra Lamprey? Looks almost like an updated Barbecue.
Nope, not confirmed, but some images have popped up of this figure coming with a COBRA Sting Raider repaint…that could all be meaningless, but that’s just what I’m going with right now.
Watch this will wind up being Ace or some other Joe pilot 🙂
Love this fig…….I wonder why the blue Lamprey couldnt have a removable helmet like this one???
From the new pics Justin posted today it looks like the helmet on this one and the blue Lamprey are the same, only with a color change. At least I don’t see a difference between the two. The 7-pack clearly has a face under the blue face shield. And it probably is removable too, we just haven’t seen it removed yet.