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Hasbro Q & A Round Two, 2009

Keeping up with the regular schedule, the next round of G.I. Joe themed Q & A sessions is right around the corner!  If you have any suggestions for questions, feel free to toss them in the comments section of this post.  Also, don’t forget there are scores of other sites around the ‘net who will be gathering questions as well.  We are now limited to three questions total, and deadline for submitting your ideas is Saturday, May 2nd, by 12:00 noon.

Don’t forget to check GeneralsJoes Q & A archive to see what’s been asked in past sessions!

A metric TON of Resolute Concept art on DeviantArt!

hiss-01Well, thanks to Jeff Bohn stumbling on it yesterday, and letting GeneralsJoes break the news, the DeviantArt floodgates have opened.  Jeff also found the page belonging to Joaquin Dos Santos, who, in turn led to several other artists who worked on the project, and a whole wealth of awesome looking concept art, backgrounds, and storyboards are up there for the enjoyment of all!  Unfortunately I haven’t been able to uncover any character turnarounds or designs, which is what I’m really after, but damn, this is some COOL stuff right here.  I’ve broken it all down into galleries below, but PLEASE check out everyone’s DeviantArt page and lavish huge praise on them.  The “look” of Resolute was one of the best things about it, so these artists deserve a mountain of credit for breathing life into our favorite plastic men and women.  Check out the shots at the “Read the rest of this Entry” link below, you do NOT want to miss these:


Final installment of G.I. Joe: Resolute is up on! has posted the final (11th) installment of G.I. Joe: Resolute in great quality!  For folks monkeying with YouTube (or other unsavory places online :shifty: ) trying to figure out the best way to watch this, just go straight to the source.

For people who want to watch the full run, too, click on the first installment and hit that little button below the video that says “Continuous Play” and each episode will play one right after the other.  Check out the video here.

G.I. Joe: Resolute views on surpass 1,000,000

In what was hopefully a very pleasent surprise to Hasbro executives and Adult Swim, the online videos for G.I. Joe: Resolute have surpassed one million viewers.  Honestly I’m not even sure what expectations are or what’s considered “good” but damn if that’s not a lot of folks checking out G.I. Joe: Resolute.

Let’s keep that number jumping!  I know we’ve all seen it by now, but it’s a great feature.  I’m going to keep viewing on a daily basis to drive those numbers up…I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Hasbro and Adult Swim are watching those numbers closely to get a guage of how popular this thing is.  Let’s drive it through the roof.

Click and watch!