The ever vigilant cmderinchief from JoeBattleLines and the Coil Club has provided us with some new images of the Wave 1 Storm Shadow with some nice detail pics included. He also posted a little mini-review:
“I am not much of a SS fan, I admit it. He, along with Duke, CC, and especially SE have been rammed down our throats and like a bunch of lemmings, we keep buying them over-and-over-and-over again. BUT, our favorite Japanese…, I mean Korean character is different….in more ways than just his country of origin. I know there is some dislike for the movie figures, but I gotta tell you, this figure injects some hipness back to the character who has long been pretty darn boring. I mean, let’s face it, how can you reinvent a ninja. Most of what you see if not an over the top change, the changes are subtle and improve upon the original concept. Most, if not all, of the tooling on this figure is new. Some of the finer details include the clan’s symbol on the handles of the katanas. The katanas themselves have thicker handles so no more swords falling out the grip. The major downside of this figure is the backpack. It is NOT removable.
This one is all right. The movie toys are winning me over.”
The original post can be seen here, and check out the mirrored images below!