Earlier this morning, we posted an image from HissTank that looked to possibly be a COBRA Trooper, but the figure appears to have a Joe logo on his shoulder armor. The identity of this figure and character is currently a mystery, however it is definitely based on the Resolute Firefly design.
Thanks to cmderinchief from Coil Club and JoeBattleLines, we’ve been able to gather down a pair of much larger, better pictures of this mystery figure, with and without the armor! Check it out below:
Now compare that to an image of the Resolute Firefly:
There are at least a few distinct similarities there. The lower “apron” has that same pouch on the belt, and the overall armor looks remarkably similar (although there are pouches rather than a strap). It’s currently unknown who this character is, if he’s a Joe or a COBRA, but whoever the character is, this figure rocks my world! It looks AWESOME. Gotta love the Resolute.
I’m gonna go with Charbroil on this one.
Could they be pulling a S6 with Firefly starting out as a Joe (or impersonating one?)? Also, is it possible that the end result of the armor will not be red? In an OD Green or camo color, that could easily pass off as a Joe figure.
But, I thought they stopped the Reso figures in favor of the movie.
If it is Firefly, that would be awesome. The figure looks great and is, at this moment, highly anticipated by myself.
I don’t know about the Joe symbol, maybe they changed the character for the movie.
I think its also Charbroil, we saw some time ago on some info posted on Hisstank about some Walmart scan codes and Charbroil showed up.
Charbroil sounds right.
I didn’t know about that Joe logo and skirt armor so previously I guessed Cobra Eel.
Oh I got a better idea for that mystery figure!
Sabre Tooth, finally putting in an appearance after 11 years.
..make that 21 years. I CAN COUNT.