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Toys “R” Us Troop Builder 5-Packs available online at!

Thanks to HissCommander from The Terror Drome for letting me know that currently has the two brand spankin’ new Troop Builder 5-Packs available for ordering through their website!

They retail for $19.99 each…I just placed my order, and it was $45.00 for the two of them including shipping.  Pretty good deal, all told, for ten figures.  There are no images in the listing, so just be aware that Trooper Builder 5-Pack 1 is the G.I. Joe one, and Troop Builder 5-Pack 2 is the Cobra one.  Go get ’em.

Toys “R” Us “Attack on the Pit” 5-Pack Reviewed!

Coming off the reviews of Waves 4 & 5, I made a little road trip a short while ago and scooped up the two latest exclusives from Target and Toys “R” Us.  I’m still working on the Target Rescue Mission review, but I’ve posted the one for the Toys “R” Us Attack on the Pit on my Rise of Cobra Review Page!  There are a TON of pictures in this review…more than you’ll see anywhere else.


Toys “R” Us Launches Used Video Game exchange program

For folks like me who are video game fans and toy fans, Toys “R” Us has launched a very cool program in the same vein as video game retailers like Electronics Boutique, Gamestop, etc…  Toys “R” Us will now take in used video games in exchange for a store credit gift card that can be used on any item in the store.  The full information on the new program pulled from Toy News International is at the “Read the Rest of the Story” link below:
