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Images of upcoming exclusives emerge…

As SanDiego ComicCon grows closer more and more secrets continue to be uncovered prior to the “official” reveal…  this time credit The Terror Drome for uncovering some pictures of the upcoming Toys “R” Us Exclusive “Attack on the Pit”, Target Exclusive “Rescue Mission”, and the Target Exclusive “Past and Present” boxed set, which is a new one to us.

Attack on the Pit is a very nice looking set featuring Duke, Ripcord, Pit Commando, a Neo-Viper repaint and a Neo-Viper Officer, who looks awesome in the MARS Officer webgear!

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We’d already knew about the Rescue Mission 4-Pack, but we get some additional pictures here of the set, which includes Snake Eyes, Duke, and two Neo-Viper repaints.

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Lastly, a previous rumored set, but with no details, we get some pictures and details of the “Past and Present” set which apparently is a two pack of Snow Jobs with two Rockslides, one new one, and one what looks to be the Polar Battle Bear from the vintage days.

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I gotta say, seeing all of these Neo-Vipers scattered in all of these various sets, the figure is really growing on me…and it appears even if you just buy a few exclusives this year you’ll get yourself a nice little squad!  Thanks again to HissCommander of The Terror Drome for the info.

Reviews of Rockslide and MolePod on The Terror Drome

Picking up where he left off with the Night Raven, Terror Drome staff member Dark 5cythe has come through with some very nice pictorial reviews of the Alpha class vehicles from the first assortment of The Rise of COBRA figures.  I’ve mirrored a few of the images below, but also definitely hit up the links for the full allotment of images and the nicely written reviews!

Rockslide w/ Snow Job

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COBRA Mole Pod w/ Terra-Viper

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More images for upcoming Rise of COBRA figures

Cmderinchief has been pretty busy lately, and he comes through again, this time with pictures of a mysterious upcoming Snow Job repaint as well as the Target Exclusive COBRA Eel that’s slated to come with a repaint of the Spy Troops Wave Crusher.  He’s posted the original threads on JBL here and here.

The Snow Job is a really nice homage to the ’97 version, I think, and at least some sort of variation of the figure is slated to come with the upcoming Rockslide.  Check out the galleries below.

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