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The 2012 New Jersey Collectors’ Con goes BANG October 7th!

Over the past couple of years, the New Jersey Collectors’ Con has made a splash by offering up some fantastic custom HISS Tanks as part of their door prize at the convention.

The next NJCC is hitting Cherry Hill, NJ October 7th, and with all the credit in the world to Kevin Watts, Fran from HissTank, Raging Spoon, Nova, Cobra Stickers, and many other folks involved, they are bringing one hell of a cool exclusive to the show.

Fresh of the G.I. Joe Collectors Club which brought the Iron Grenadiers back to the forefront, the NJCC is giving us a fantastic updated Metalhead for the October show.  With a custom cast head and weapons set, and some very cool parts, this figure is…well… pretty freaking amazing.  The figure also features a reverse engineered G.I. Joe: Retaliation Swamp Viper vest, which is astounding.  Incredible.

Check out a plethora of mirrored images below, and follow NJCC on their Facebook page or New Jersey Collectors Con for any and all updates.  A great looking figure, and sure to be a hell of an awesome show.

Holiday Inn Cherry Hill – New Jersey
2175 West Marlton Pike (Rt. 70), Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Sunday, October 7th, 2012

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NJCC Exclusive HAZARD HISS Tank revealed at

The New Jersey Collectors Convention hit the scene fairly recently, but made a big splash last year with the awesome exclusive Jungle BAT themed HISS Tanks created by good friend of GeneralsJoes Kevin Watts.

The 2012 edition of the NJCC is coming in May, and we now have our first look at the 2012 NJCC Exclusive, the HAZARD HISS Tank!

This is an early sample and will likely be getting tweaked along the way, with some additional details and an exclusive sticker sheet from Cobra Stickers.  Kevin Watts once again is the brainchild behind this one, and it shows.  A great looking piece that will supplement your Hazard-Vipers well.  Heck, it even comes with a great armored canopy by GeneralsJoes sponsor Yetibrew Design!

I’ve mirrored one image below, but be sure to hit up HissTank for the full details.