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The Five Reasons to buy the Ultimate Guide to G.I. Joe (2nd Edition) – #4

03#4 – Support the collector!

Yesterday I mentioned the exclusive GeneralsJoes contest that was running where you can win one of two copies of the Ultimate Guide to G.I. Joe (2nd Edition) by Mark Bellomo.  The full details are right here.

Well, I continue to talk about 5 reasons why every Joe fan needs to own this book…and #4 should resonate with all of us.  Even though he’s turned it into a business, above and beyond all else, Mark Bellomo is a collector.  This work has been a labor of love for him, and was born from his collector and fanboy nature.  He’s proud to proclaim that he owns every single piece featured in his books, which is a mammoth accomplishment, to say the least.  Mr. Bellomo doesn’t just write about this stuff…he LOVES it.

Any G.I. Joe fan needs to own this book.  I’m sorry, it’s just essential.  If you don’t want to wait for the contest to run its course, hit to pick up your copy.  You will definitely not regret it.

The Five reasons to buy the Ultimate Guide to G.I. Joe (2nd Ed) – #5

#5 – It’s Free!  :shifty:

When Mark Bellomo came out with the first edition of his Ultimate Guide to G.I. Joe Book, there was much rejoicing about the G.I. Joe fandom.  It had been the compendium that many a Joe fan had been waiting for and seemed to have everything anyone would want in the vintage style.  Figures, vehicles, images, and details.

Now, a few years later, and Mark Bellomo actually went and made the thing better.  Better pictures, more in depth detail, some error corrections.  No longer is the Ultimate Guide to G.I. Joe good enough…trust me, now you need the Second Edition.

Which brings us to the #5 reason to own Mark Bellomo’s new book.  It’s free.

GeneralsJoes is giving away two copies of this great book to the GeneralsJoes faithful!  All you need to do is email me and tell me what era of G.I. Joe is your favorite.  No stone goes unturned.  Vintage, 12″, Adventure Team, Sigma 6, Extreme, 25th Anniversary, Rise of COBRA?  Which do you like the best and why.

I will go through every entry and decide which one I like the best, and which one argues their point the most effectively (and no, not necessarily which one I agree with).  That article will be featured on and the writer will get a copy of the book shipped to him at no cost.

The second copy will be given to someone picked randomly from the list of entrants, just to keep it fair.  So, even if you don’t feel like writing and just want to send an email saying “Sgt. Savage Rocks” you will still have a chance to get a free copy of the book.  The contest will go for two weeks, from September 13th through September26th, and anyone who sends an email stating their case has a chance to win.

Keep watching the site this week as I unveil the four other reasons why every Joe fan MUST own this book and good luck with the contest!

Exclusive Q & A with Mark Bellomo, author of the Ultimate Guide to G.I. Joe

Anyone who has been a G.I. Joe fan for any length of time knows the name Mark Bellomo, mostly from his Ultimate Guide to G.I. Joe book.  Well, now he’s produced a Second Edition with countless improvements and additions to the content, and I highly recommend it.  In fact, it gets pretty much my highest recommendation for any Joe fan.  Even as someone who is really into the Anniversary stuff, seventeen bucks is a tiny investment for a great look “behind the curtain” of the hobby, as well as just the reference images themselves.  Buy it.  Now.

I’ve been lucky enough to know Mark for a long time, and the effort he puts into these books is impressive to say the least.  He was also kind enough to spend some time answering my pesky questions, and I’ve supplied the exclusive interview below.


Mark Bellomo featured on Collectable Spectacle series on YouTube

Independent  filmmaker and G.I. Joe fan “Flophouse” has produced a great documentary series covering Mark Bellomo’s journey through the publishing of his second volume for the Ultimate Guide to G.I. Joe.  There are a whopping 18 total installments of this series, and they have all been posted on YouTube.  For ease of navigation, I am embedding them all below so you can watch them all from one easy spot.

A big thanks to Flophouse and Mark Bellomo for taking the time to produce this fascinating series!
