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Some details revealed about G.I. Joe: Origins #19

Larry Hama is quite the profilic poster over on his Facebook page, but doesn’t talk about G.I. Joe all that often.  Recently he put up a post about his upcoming work on G.I. Joe: Origins #19 and gave us a few minor little tidbits that I’m sure will whet everyone’s appetite for this upcoming issue:

“I took a stab at another silent Snake-Eyes story, but with
more complex visual storytelling and self-imposed parameters like keeping track
of ammo and ordnance expenditures. “Wrote” it and did
layouts. The amazing Joe Benitez did the finished art. It should be
on the stands in September.”

I’m really looking forward to checking this out.  Joe Benitez does awesome work, and it sounds like Larry was really invested in the story again this time around.  I think we’re in for a nice treat.

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #157 5-Page Preview

Ohhh, good stuff.  Like last month, issue #157 seems to have the mojo back again, and I am in LOVE with that Rod Whigham cover.  Total throwback to the 80’s.  Awesome.  Issue #157 comes out on Wednesday, check out the 5-page preview below.
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #157
Larry Hama (w) • Agustin Padilla (a) • Padilla, Rod Whigham (c)
Relentless Cobra hit teams go after the disbanded and outlawed G.I. Joe team. The beleaguered Joes converge on their pre-set rallying point, determined to launch an organized counter-attack and bring the fight back to Cobra. Meanwhile, cohesion within Cobra ranks begins to deteriorate as Dr. Venom returns from the dead!
*2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99

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IDW Round Up from SDCC, such that it was

Okay, in all the combing through the internet, I found a few sources of information for stuff that was discussed at the Hasbro IDW panel, but unfortunately none of it ended up really being of any consequence.
The first intel came from YoJoe, who had a representative in the panel, and the recap can be found right here, though honestly not much was revealed.
Essentially most of the panel seemed to focus on Cobra and how they got in the position they’re in now, which is pretty fascinating to consider.  Cobra’s whole history back in the day was pretty odd, considering how much force and technology they amassed without it really being discussed just how they did it, where the money came from (beyond a “pyramid scheme”) or how they built their empire.  The IDW universe is playing into that a LOT more, and it’s pretty neat.
One of the more interesting notes was the fact that an upcoming issue of G.I. Joe, the first appearance of Storm Shadow proclaims itself as the end of “Season 1” of G.I. Joe.  I’m not entirely sure how they break up the “seasons” or if they simply mean the book is moving in another direction from that point on.
The most comprehensive coverage of the IDW panel was posted on The Terror Drome (with some props as well to iFanboy) and their run down is as follows:

  • After 3-part Zartan story in Origins, Croc Master “origins” story in issue #18.
  • Hama returns to Origins for one more story with G.I. Joe: Origins #19 which will be another “silent issue” featuring Snake Eyes.
  • Then G.I. Joe: Origins 20-23 will focus on Cobra organization.
  • G.I. Joe: Cobra Special #2, available last week of September, featuring the trial of Erika le Tene.
  • Chuckles story concludes in G.I. Joe: Cobra #10-13
  • In the main ongoing G.I. Joe title, critical mass device #23-27, Storm Shadow first appearance in IDW verse.
  • G.I. Joe: RAH will pick up from Marvel’s run with Cobra presenting itself as a “Blackwater” type organization.
  • Both G.I. Joe: Renegades and Transformers Prime will have books debuting in October”

So, in all honesty, not a whole lot of juicy new intel was released…but we’ll take what we can get.  Thanks to everyone for chipping in links and coverage so we could get this all together.  Big thanks to Wild Weasel of The Terror Drome as well, for finally getting some comprehensive details of the panel.

IDW October Solicitations reveal Renegades Comic from IDW

IDW Publications has revealed their comic solicitations for October just in time for SDCC, and there are some interesting news nuggets to be had.
First and foremost is the beginning of a G.I. Joe: Renegades comic based on the animated series starting this fall!  Excellent.  That is probably the thing I’m most looking forward to at SDCC…more info about Renegades.
Also of note is the cover for the October issue of the main G.I. Joe title.  Up until now, Storm Shadow has been notable by his unexplained absence throughout the title, but apparently that’s going to change very soon…  also, it looks as though G.I. Joe #23 will finally debut Helix in the mainstream G.I. Joe book.
Click the “Read the rest of this entry” link below to get the rundown on all of the October G.I. Joe solicits.
A big thanks to The Terror Drome for gathering this info so I could get it posted more easily while on the road this morning.

Five-Page previews posted for this week's G.I. Joe titles

Not content to release just one G.I. Joe title this week, we’re getting both G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #156 and G.I. Joe: Cobra #6!  As such, we’ve got two separate five-page previews, one for each issue.
Check them out below.
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #156
Larry Hama (w) • Agustin Padilla (a) •  Padilla, Rod Whigham (c)
The ‘80s live on in this all-new series that spins out of the Free Comic Book Day issue 155-1/2 and hearkens back to the beloved JOE comics from your childhood! Larry Hama returns to script Real American Hero even as COBRA wins the bid to provide internal security for a terrorist-beleaguered USA. First order of business: put out a secret assassination order on the disbanded G.I. Joes. SNAKE EYES isn’t taking it lying down and overreacts maybe just a tiny bit…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99

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G.I. Joe: Cobra #6
Mike Costa, Christos N. Gage (w) • Sergia Carrera, J.K. Woodward (a) • Ben Templesmith, Antonio Fuso (c)
Arise, Serpentor… ARISE! In our last issue, you met the charismatic, fearsome, magnetic cult leader known as Serpentor. Now learn how he came to be what he is today… both the fantastic story his followers subscribe to, and the not-quite-as-godlike, yet no less terrifying, truth. The critically acclaimed series delivers its boldest, most shocking story yet!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99

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