by generalsjoes | Jul 1, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Retaliation Toys, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2012, Show and Convention Coverage
As I hinted yesterday, there were indeed a pair of figures put out on display, but quickly pulled back from Hasbro, who evidently did not want them revealed as of yet.
Not really certain what the full story is, just that there are evidently upcoming Roadblock and Flint figures that look pretty incredible. No information was revealed on timeline for release or format, but I suspect they will be part of the main single pack line in 2013.
Check out some images below, with big thanks to Kenny on Twitter.
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by generalsjoes | Jul 1, 2012 | 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Extreme, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, JoeCon 2012, Show and Convention Coverage
Good morning! I apologize about the delay in coverage for this as the Convention quickly turned into a whirlwind yesterday afternoon and evening. The Collectors’ Club roundtable kicked off yesterday afternoon and much was discussed.
Brian apologized for what happened with the credit card system and revealed some details about how the third party software vendor and service provider could have done some things better. There were programming errors in the web form they provided and no security package installed within the application as there should have been. He did took full responsibility for what occurred, and informed us that he used a famous security analyst to uncover the issue and ensure that the new software package had all of the required security.
They discussed quite a bit about the package design for the carded Footloose and the Convention exclusive items, breaking down the numerous paint applications required for each figure. Also discussed was the upcoming Membership Incentive figures. For 2013, they are as follows:
- 12″ Comrade of Action – an undercover Adventure Team agent in Russia
- 4″ Iceberg! Borrowing elements from the classic version, but attempting a more modern twist. No figure picture was shown, but details were revealed.
Speaking a bit on the Figure Subscription Service as well, and showing off those figures at the front of the hall. They are still testing the software platform for the store, and are hoping to get it online and rolled out shortly. Still aren’t revealing 100% concrete pricing structure yet, as costs have changed in the manufacturing process over the past 8 months. The figures for the FSS are essentially a “pre-order” where they will solicit the subscription, and then produce figures based on the demand from the orders.
Hoping to get that launched, again, based on demand, after Wave 1 has settled somewhat, and even have three figures lined up for it:
- Dragonsky
- Big Bear
- Night Force Lt. Falcon
A mock up picture was shown of Dragonsky, but not for the other two. Big Bear will come with his trusty hat and a new head sculpt, while Lt. Falcon will be similar to the canceled 25th Anniversary Night Force version only with the new sculpted head from the Marauders 7-pack.
Again, I know this posting is late, but keep in mind I do a lot of Live Tweeting and up-to-the-minute news updates from my Twitter Feed. Check out the images from the presentation below.
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by generalsjoes | Jun 30, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Retaliation Toys, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2012, Show and Convention Coverage
Along with the slideshow and display cases, our old friends at Hunter PR have also provided the official press images for new items revealed at GIJoeCon 2012 including:
- Ultimate Duke
- Ultimate Snake Eyes with Timber
- Ultimate Firefly
- Cobra Combat Ninja
- Cobra Night Landing Mission with Cobra Eel
- Crimson Guard
- Ninja Showdown Assortment Wave 2
- Micro Force
Check out the images below and a big thanks to Justin at Hunter PR for being a great liaison to Hasbro and getting this stuff accessible.
Some points of confusion I’ve seen… yes the “Cobra Combat Ninja” was meant to be a movie accurate Cobra Trooper. They only called him that because there is already a “Cobra Trooper” in the line. I can’t think of a single reason to complain. He’ll still be a Retaliation Cobra Trooper in my eyes. Also, yes, there was apparently a Roadblock and Flint put out on display that were not supposed to be there. They were quickly removed, but images have cropped up already. I am looking into seeing if it’s okay if I post those. If so, they will go up as well.
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by generalsjoes | Jun 30, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Retaliation Toys, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2012, Show and Convention Coverage
Good afternoon!
Just wanted to post a quick burst of images of these new 2013 offerings in the display case and also correct myself. The 2013 Night Landing does NOT come with the Sigma Suit canceled figure. 🙁
It uses some recycled parts from the Sunbow Snake Eyes, but the slideshow played tricks on me. The set does come with the accessories from that figure, however, which is almost as cool.
Also, the Red Ninja you see pictured below was not in the Slideshow, but somehow ended up in the case. I asked John Warden about it, and he thinks release should be around the same time as Firefly in Wave 3. Enjoy the images, more comprehensive coverage still to come.
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by generalsjoes | Jun 30, 2012 | 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Retaliation Toys, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe Video Game, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, JoeCon 2012, Show and Convention Coverage
I’m between seminars at the moment, but wanted to at least get the slideshow images posted from the 2013 Product demonstration. Many of these items will be in the display and I will get those images posted throughout the day as well, but wanted to get this AWESOME stuff up first. Highlights:
- Micro Force Quarter-Sized collectible figures in blind bags. Over 80 figures to collect and trade. Foot holes are compatible with normal vehicle foot pegs for display!
- Alpha sized Night Landing vehicle with Cobra Eel. Cobra Eel figure is the canceled Rise of Cobra Ripcord which is extremely detailed, highly accessorized and uses the figure design that was sculpted to resemble the Sigma 6 Sigma Suits
- Night Viper is moved up to Wave 3
- Very movie accurate “Ultimate Firefly” with mini-HISS in Wave 3
- Very movie accurate “Cobra Trooper” (Cobra Combat Ninja) in Wave 3
- Movie accurate “Ultimate Duke” (with Data-Viper Predator Drone) in Wave 3
- Comic accurate/toy accurate Snake Eyes ’85 w/ Timber totally newly tooled in Wave 4
- Crimson Guard in Wave 5 with customizable label sheet
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More details as they emerge! Follow me on Twitter for up-to-the-minute Tweets and posts from the SyFy panel and the GIJCC panel later today.