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GeneralsJoes Reviews IDW’s G.I. Joe: Cobra Annual 2012

Many of us really saw it coming throughout the Cobra Civil War that Krake was destined to be the new Cobra Commander, but I still thought it was a very fun ride getting to the end result. But I think most folks were complaining a bit that we didn’t really know Krake’s history and what makes him tick.

No longer. The entirety of the 2012 G.I. Joe: Cobra annual is devoted to the backstory of Cobra agent Krake and how he becomes who he is. I was approaching the issue with some hesitation, just because I wasn’t entirely sure how much I cared. Turns out I did care.

Click the read the rest of the story link below for the full review.


IDW Solicitations for May, 2011

Well, here we go!  Yesterday I posted a review of G.I. Joe: Cobra #13, somewhat lamenting the end of that run, as we prepare to launch into another.  Well, IDW has released the solicitations for May, 2011, and the next run is now in sight.  Judging by the solicitations, it looks like it could be quite the run!
I am absolutely loving these Zack Howard covers, I’ll tell you that right now.  Totally cool.  A character totally out of left field, and another one who I’m not entirely sure about at all.
Click the “Read the Rest of the Story” link below to read the full rundown of G.I. Joe comic releases for May.

GeneralsJoes reviews G.I. Joe: Cobra #13

From the first minute I laid eyes on the original G.I. Joe: Cobra title way back I knew we were on to something good.  Over the years, G.I. Joe has been many things…in the cartoon, it was campy satire.  In the comic, it was a hybrid military realism with supernatural science fiction.
But never has it really been gritty film noir.  I mean, how could it be?  We’re talking about a property with genetic engineering, technologically impossible weapons and vehicles, and no laws of physics or scientific sense.  How can someone possible build a gritty, dark, and “real world” universe out of that?
Well, somebody could, and somebody did.  A couple of somebodies named Mike Costa and Christos Gage.  They showed the world that the bright, super-powered, laser firing world of G.I. Joe could hide a dark underbelly.  Initially written as a short four-issue limited series, G.I. Joe: Cobra redefined Cobra’s image in the IDW world and introduced many readers to the property to rave reviews.
As I think everyone expected, after the first series ended, a second series was sure to come, which was then extended to a continuing series, and it has continued until now.  Thirteen issues later we’ve seen backwoods Crocodile experts, a secret cult worshipping snake gods, and a mysterious gypsy who can read minds.  But through it all, that dark and dreary noir style brought a sense of realism and despair to the universe (but only in the best way possible, of course).
So now, as we stand on the precipice of another “re-invention” (so to speak) of the IDW universe, we can reflect back on G.I. Joe: Cobra and see how well it did what it did, and finally, how it ended.  Which of course, begs the question, where do we go from here?
To avoid spoilers, click the “Read the Rest of this Story” link below for the full review.

Five page preview for G.I. Joe: Cobra #13

It hits comic shops today, and I plan on having a review up within the next 24 hours or so, but figured I should probably post the preview at some point, too!  Check it out below.  This marks the final issue of this particular installment of the G.I. Joe: Cobra title before we get ready for another “reset” of sorts in May.
Mike Costa, Christos N. Gage (w) • Antonio Fuso (a & c)
After the shocking events of last issue, all bets are off for the last chapter of Chuckles’ undercover saga. He’ll have to face enemies, friends… and, finally, himself. Costa, Gage, and Fuso finally bring one of the most shocking GI Joe stories of all time to a close, and not everyone is getting out alive.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99

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GeneralsJoes Reviews IDW G.I. Joe: Cobra #12

Wow…has it been a week already?  I know I was holding off a bit on the review, for fear of spoiling the storyline events, but I figure pretty much anyone and everyone knows what’s happened at this point, and the review is fair game.
So then it was just laziness.  :shifty:
Honestly, though, the latest issue of G.I. Joe: Cobra pretty much continues the status quo, and nobody should be surprised.  Shocked maybe, but not surprised.  Does that make sense?  Read the full review after the jump.