by Josh | Apr 17, 2018 | G.I. Joe Collectors Club
The Club gave us two reveals last week for the FSS 8.0. We got our first glimpse of Fast Draw and Red Laser. While both of the figures look to be parts mash-ups from previous figures they both look put together quite well. As I previously mentioned FSS 8.0 is going to be bittersweet for many of us. I am super excited to see a lot of the figures that have been mentioned in the lineup but I also realize with each reveal we are that closer to wrapping up the Figure Subscription Service. With that said let’s look at Fast Draw and Red Laser.
Fast Draw is inspired by the ’87 release and stays true to the original color scheme. It looks like a lot of the figure comes from the Modern Era Blowtorch figure but I think it works pretty well. Fast Draw also comes with Duke’s launcher from the Pursuit of Cobra and looks ready for battle. All in all I think Fast Draw looks good and will look great with the rest of the ’87 figures.
The next reveal was Red Laser who is inspired by the European exclusive action figure. I personally don’t know a lot of the history on Red Laser so I had to do some searching. According to what I found Red Laser was originally released in ’83 as a repaint of Cobra Commander. He was available in the United Kingdom and Europe and was part of the Red Shadows. It looks like the Club opted for a repaint in this case as well using mostly what appears to be the Ultimate Cobra Commander. He looks really nice with the vibrant red color scheme and skull and crossbones flag.
If you’re interested in the FSS 8.0 make sure to jump over to the GI Joe Collectors Club and get signed up before the May 2nd deadline.
Code Name: FAST DRAW
(Inspired by the 1987 action figure.)
Includes: removable helmet, face mask, revolver pistol,
backpack missile system with 8 projectiles, remote controls x 2,
connection hoses x 2, and figure stand.
Code Name: RED LASER
(Inspired by the European exclusive action figure.)
Includes: removable helmet, advanced combat rifle,
laser pistol, Red Shadows flag, and figure stand.
by Josh | Jan 31, 2018 | G.I. Joe Collectors Club
The GI Joe Club gave us two exciting pieces of news today. First registration for the upcoming, and sadly final, GI Joe Club Convention is now live and second we got our first peak at the GI Joe club set. Get online now to register for the event. The first figure preview from the convention set is Slaughter’s Marauders Infantry Trooper Footloose. We last saw Footloose as the 2012 GI Joe Collectors Club Free Membership Figure and here we get him again as part of Slaughter’s Marauders. If you missed out on the figure 6 years ago here is your chance to get him again… of course in a slightly different deco. This is a very nice first reveal and I can’t wait to see the next.
Get registered today for the 2018 GI Joe Convention
– 25th Anniversary Style/Fully Poseable Action Figure.
– Modern Era Release of Character based on 1989 SM design.
– Includes removable helmet, harness, assault rifle, rocket launcher, knife, pistol, flashlight, backpack, and G.I. Joe Logo Stand.
(Note: Photo depicts action figure mock-up and final product may slightly differ.)
Collect all these great 3 3/4″ action figures in the 15-figure Python Peril: Marauders to the Rescue! box set.
by generalsjoes | Apr 17, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club
Email just came in from the G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club that the convention brochure is online now.
In the brochure, they outline what to expect for the convention, and of course, give us a rundown of the convention exclusives. This year, I am saddened to report, the 15-figure convention set is a 25th Anniversary reproduction of the Crimson Strike Team from 2002.
As a big vintage fan, the G.I. Joe Club figures are one of my most sought after and strongly desired figures of the entire year. I eagerly await pictures and details online and in the newsletter so I can see what great new concepts and new ideas the Club has up their sleeves this year. And now we’re getting 25th Anniversary reproductions of figures I already have? No new characters, new stories, or new ideas? One word: Disappointment.
Utter and total disappointment. Pictures of 25th Anniversary Tomax and Xamot figures have been floating around Asian auction sites for a while, and I continued to tell myself that the Club wouldn’t do that. They’ve always supported the vintage fan and they’ve always told us that their medium of choice was the vintage “o-ring” style. I am totally and completely disappointed by this choice.
They mention that the souveniers will feature members from the highly sought after “international teams”. So, in other words, probably more 25th Anniversary repaints colored up like foreign exclusives.
I’ve been coasting on a “Resolute” high for the past 4 hours, and this is just a kick in the gut. Bummer.