by generalsjoes | Jul 24, 2009 | 12" Scale, G.I. Joe, Sideshow
As San Diego ComicCon rolls on, Sideshow Collectibles has updated their G.I. Joe section online with the following two items:
Duke pre-order begins July 31st, COBRA Throne has not yet been announced. Each item has a full blown gallery posted and the whole nine yards. Click the links above to check ’em all out!
by generalsjoes | Jul 21, 2009 | 12" Scale, G.I. Joe, Sideshow
It was pretty obvious from the first preview we saw that Sideshow’s next 12″ offering was going to be the G.I. Joe Top Sergeant, Duke. Well, Sideshow Collectibles confirms this today with a great look sneak preview!
Pre-orders begin July 31st, don’t miss it! And while you’re at it, take a chug of this delicious Heavy Water…
by generalsjoes | Jul 20, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: The Movie
I first caught wind of this thanks to SNAKE EYES from the HissTank forums, though unfortunately wasn’t in a spot that I could do an update until now. Gyre-Viper from the afforementioned has uncovered some images of upcoming figures. Unfortunately (in my book) the figures consist of three repeat characters, and a troop builder that is tough to make out. Arctic Storm Shadow and City Strike Duke are especially underwhelming. The list is as follows:
- Storm Shadow (Arctic Threat) – Looks to be an amalgamation of Storm Shadow and Paris Pursuit Snake Eyes, which is an interesting combination, but it’s not nearly as cool as the individual figures that make it up. Plus the camouflage that is supposed to be an homage to the ’87 version of Stormy looks kinda splotchy and out of place.
- Duke (City Strike) – Pretty much a repaint of Reactive Armor Duke, perhaps with some other legs, but he comes with all rehashed accessories and a somewhat uninspiring paint scheme.
- Ripcord (Jungle Assault) – This figure looks pretty freaking incredible. Love the boonie hat, love the gear, and the paint apps are pretty nice, too. I’d rather get a desert version of Rip over this, but it still looks like an awesome figure from this grainy photo.
- Desert-Viper – Honestly can’t really tell. Lots of shadow, some heavy gear and a scarf. Has potential, but I’m not big on the environmental guys. Time will tell on that one.
If this is a run of single packs, I’m kinda bummed out. It seems things took a bit of a step back, at least with two of these figures. I know, I won’t jump to conclusions, but this selection doesn’t win me over. I know Hasbro traditionally tends to mix in a pretty repaint heavy wave in the later months, so maybe this is it, it was just looking like such drastic improvements between Wave 1 and Wave 3, that this seems to go in the opposite direction.
We’ll see. Images are mirrored below.
no images were found
by generalsjoes | Jul 20, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe: The Movie
Yeesh, I haven’ t even gotten to the news backlog of today yet and already there’s something new to report! Joining, Yahoo has posted an absolutely KICK ASS exclusive clip featuring everyone’s favorite…the Accelerator Suits! But man, after seeing this clip, I’m liking them a lot more. Wow.
Check it out here.
by generalsjoes | Jul 19, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: The Movie
The guys at The Terror Drome have uncovered an image for a mysterious three-pack of The Baroness, Duke, and Neo-Viper. The figures themselves don’t appear to be any different than the single-carded counterparts, and there’s no indication of whether or not they’re exclusive to any specific stores.
Click here to check out the thread, and the image is mirrored below.